You’re not asking for them to explain the rules lmfao. Jesus christ. The statement that I was responding to is you implying that a new player cannot make the decision of where to go on the map. That is not rules, that is strategy and is only something that a player will develop by playing the game. RULES would be explaining how the BG is won, such as saying to cap 3 flags in WSG. Which is already done in the PvP menu.
Blizzard cannot tell you more than that as far as win objectives go. They cannot say “this node is better” or “go here for maximum impact”. That would be biased, wrong in general, and reinforces bad mindsets.
I am not willfully misreading anything. You said we need more maps with less complexity and more strategy.
All I did was ask you for an example map.
You’re trying to compare epic BGs to regular BGs. The two are entirely different.
Your AV map issue is due to hivemind players simply wanting to win and not actually play AV. The map itself has lots of strategy. But as you say, it is ignored because of hivemind clowns. Blizzard may be able to affect that by changing how the towers affect the bosses. However, this does not change that the map itself is still loaded with strategy. You can see this when you watch AV tournament games, they don’t rush the boss because it would be a losing strategy due to the enemy team knowing how to prevent and block it.
As for your statement using EOTS as an example, every regular BG map has that. Every map has multiple paths to a win condition and multiple ways that these can fail or succeed. Even basic WSG.
I am not against changes to improve current maps, but to imply that any of them do not have strategy, or that the strategy is null because of complexity, is wrong.
How does a new player know which nodes do what in IoC?
No, you’re trying to cherry-pick things to win an argument on the internet. You have a gitgud mentality which in terms of sales growth is a failing strategy.
Ok then refute what I said. What was cherry-picked? Refute it, prove me wrong.
Does AV not suffer from hivemind mentality? Is the available strategy not ignored because of that hivemind mentality?
Do regular BG maps not have multiple paths to a win condition, as well multiple ways that each of those paths can fail or succeed?
I get that this is your opinion. I’m saying there should be info on how the game is played BEFORE YOU EVER ENTER THE MATCH. From Blizzard. That makes it clear. Trying finding good information on Ashran. Pretend you’re a new player and go look.
This for example. You took this snippet from a different argument and applied it here, intentional scuttling the meaning behind both arguments. The AV line was from the “there’s not enough Strat” argument. Not a matter of the objectives being clear.
But I’ve been on the internet to know that picking apart lines from a post and asking for “proof” is the tactic of trolls.
Here’s the view from 10,000 feet. I said the game needs more clarity. You’re against that. And any third party only needs to understand that for reasons unknown, you don’t want new players to have a clear set of rules.
An optional tutorial for 1st-time players would be very helpful. I returned to WoW after skipping WoD and when the new Ashran was introduced I had no clue what was going on. I just followed the Mob. After reading a few guides online I realized that the mob also had no idea what they were doing.
Here, took me 2 seconds.
What snippet? I copied your post entirely. I didn’t omit anything you said lmao.
Again, what was picked? Nothing from your statement was omitted. I responded to exactly what you said in your posts. And you didn’t even refute the statements I made in response to your complete post. All you’ve done is say I cherry-picked when nothing was omitted.
I am not against clarity. I have said multiple times that a PvP section in the journal could be helpful. I am the one who even suggested it here in the first place. You, however, made no suggestions at all about what Blizzard could do to help when I asked you for it. I have done more in this regard than you have.
I am under no illusions that another council is going to help anything when Blizzard ignored their last one.
I’ll spare myself the 1 minute of effort to apply to their publicity stunt.
I don’t think your assessment is wrong about the Council. But we need people to go up there to talk in punchy talking-points that we can repeat, and they can remember, and it needs to be Large Picture, Primary Colors concepts.
Again, the PVP vendor was confusing for these people.
Of course it’s going to be a joke, they don’t even listen to beta testing feed back that is upvoted hundreds of times.
I mean what people want is a system that doesn’t have a huge ilvl difference in pvp, casual friendly and not being forced into pve to complete systems.
Instead of systems to complete your spec, having a well thought out talent system.
But here we are artefact system 3.1, tons of daily chores and 40-50 ilvls every time new content is added.
Yeah… I have been in every beta since Cata and can count the times they’ve listened to beta feedback on one hand. Even less so with the dev team post-Legion, I mean look at azerite gear for the perfect example. Every beta tester was telling them the original system was utter garbage and please fix it, but they steamed ahead anyway and then had to say “oh sorry we messed up” in a later patch and add things beta testers had already talked about anyway.
Excluding unrated only players from the community council has the same effect as being ignored. In both cases the devs don’t act on the feedback given by the community.
You can divide the community up into 4 categories
People who play unrated only
People who play rated only
People who play rated and unrated
People who don’t PvP
My assumption (since i don’t have population data) is that there are more unrated only players than rated only or unrated and rated players.
Again it doesn’t make sense to not include an unrated only player from the council since they would represent a large portion of the pvp playerbase.
No, it does not. How are you people so utterly dense?
Rated players. Play unrated. Too.
They can. Give input. On random. Battlegrounds.
Because they. Play that. Part. Of the game.
Too. ======================
Get this ‘either or’ mentality out of your head. It is not rated vs unrated. People play both.
Trying to get things through to you people is like talking not to a child, not to a wall, but to a wall built by a child. My god.
I remember the first time I played Alterac Valley, I asked in guild chat what you were supposed to do. A guildie replied with, “just follow what everyone else is doing.”
People who play rated and unrated are obviously going to have a different perspective compared to unrated only players. Blizz wants players from various playstyles to be a part of the council.
There will probably be a person on the council who’s endgame is pet battling, having a unrated only player can only help expand the number of perspectives the devs see, and allow for a large section of the pvp player base to have their viewpoint represented.
Otherwise, Blizzard might as well just get feedback from the one WoW player who participates in all forms of WoW content – PvE, PvP, pet battles, etc. This person has done every single thing.
Yes that’s right, they are going to have an actual valid perspective due to having played the game beyond solely fighting undergeared backpedalers who kick hearthstone casts.
Any criticism that an unrated player would give can be presented better by players who have more in-depth experience and perspective with the game. A council does not need players who refuse to participate in extended game modes out of apathy or fear. It needs players who have made efforts to explore multiple aspects of a subject.
They are already going to get that because rated players play unrated too and know what unrated pvp is like.
When Blizz asks “so how should we improve random BGs”, they aren’t going to be met with silence or “lol i donno” just because a player has rated experience
How about this then.
What can an unrated player offer to Blizzard that a player with both rated and unrated experience cannot offer?