Who would you like to see from the PvP community get on the Council

I wasn’t aware that we do that every bg we go into. We actually don’t outside of the rare IOC but hyperbole doesn’t help your argument.

Mmmhmmm, just like your “friends”

No one said any such thing.

The whole point of this nominations thread is to brainstorm a casual BG’er/non-rated PvP’er that would (mostly) represent this BGs forum - that’s all.

Inemia is a well-rounded pick based on post history, experience, high attendance inside the game, still active/still subbed, etc etc

Maybe also throw in 1-2 other casual BG’ers for a decent variety of feedback/ideas.

The only people I used to watch for bg commentary or play were ArrowAssassin and Para. No idea if Para is still playing but I know ArrowAssassin is.

Also Baj used to do a lot of BG play but I think he’s more focused on new world right now and he’s more covered by the rated side of the community.

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They said “at least 100 players” in their little promo video for the program, seemed to imply that they will add more.

If I had to guess, the panel will look something like this (speculation):

  • around 10 popular streamers/personalities
  • around 70 PvE players (this is their main $$$-maker)
  • around 10 pet battler/transmog farmer/RP’er/niche players
  • around 10 PvP players (mix of unrated and rated)

Yeah I’m interested on when they’ll actually announce more about. 9.2 announcement is tomorrow so maybe they’ll say something.

I agree with you. But beyond that, the game is now designed around the concept that a new player really can and should be ready for elite content within hours of reaching max level. That’s what the mentoring system is all about. A new player would be deep into hardcore competition, theorycrafting, min maxing, and grinding hard on the hamster wheel if only they could shelter him from casuals and asmongold’s plan to mind control the world.


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a new toon sure, but a new player? highly unlikely. wow suffers from losing its own playerbase. when i started there wasn’t wowhead, sims, or a million class guides, there was thottbot and asking your guildies or friends, which basically meant they thottbotted it for you. knowledge was passed tribally from one person to another as questions arose.

what triggered the question? well probably some exploring of the game and right clicking on a vendor to see what they offer. its not hard to imagine, someone finds a vendor, sees an old mog they want, then asks their guild or a friend what a mark of honor is and how they get it.

I hit 1800 in bfa S4 just to join the mentor program and basically found it to be a big waste of time. the chat is unmoderated and it was a mess that basically did nothing but burn out mentors.

does a popular person lead the crowd or does the crowd lead the person.

It’s actually not an uncommon belief among elitists who have been elite players for years - and may have already been when they started the game 15 years ago - that even a brand new player should be able to step into hard content immediately if they weren’t so lazy.

A couple of years ago a new player started a thread in the forum that he found the game very confusing to learn and was struggling to figure it out, and basically getting no help. Or more trolling than help.

He got a fair number of “git gud” responses, and a few that agreed it was a lot to learn. And he got a blue response, that blizzard doesn’t think it’s confusing. They think the game is entirely self-explanatory. What could he possibly be confused about?

That’s why the mentoring program requires mentors to have been playing for a long time and have accomplishments in the game which make it impossible for a mentor to have been a new player recently. With the recent speedup of the leveling process they’re trying to funnel new players into end content quickly. Those are the players who would be useful to a new player who was trying to do that. Well, actually that expertise would be useful to the sort of “new player” who is already highly skilled and talented and is coming to wow from an elite background.

Nowadays a new player is inherently a solo player. Nobody starts with their entire middle school class like in 2004. In fact, since the group finder premade tab has been disabled for sub-50 players, they can’t form groups to do elite quests using it. Even if they understood how that used to work, now in most cases the leveling zone they are in has no one in it who can help them on that thing they are stuck on.

I tried to help a leveler in vol’dun recently who was stuck on an end-of-questline mob he couldn’t kill. I couldn’t see him because he was phased. I did a few quests but still phased. I didn’t remember exactly and ended up having to do a lot of research to find out that he was at the end of a very long questline. So I couldn’t help him and nobody else could either, because only someone in the exact same place in the questline on his realm CRZ would ever be able to see him to help him.

The game has always struggled retaining new players. What a new player finds joining Shadowlands now will only make that worse.

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As someone with 8000 random bgs played in a few expansions and with rated experience, i will represent the casual bger :sunglasses:


Ok guys, quit twisting my arm. I’ll do it.

There is a good to fair chance we would be friends given other circumstances, Bob.

Congrats, you finally got me to just quit a bg that you were in. These Horde bot teammates…I just can’t. Same people that think gear equalization is going to change their fortunes in random bgs.

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And this is one of the issues that need to be addressed.

Your toxic gameplay ruins BG’s for 40 other players. This council if it’s taken seriously is the time to fix it.

We need someone that wants it fixed, not someone that enjoys ruining PvP for others.

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Premades aren’t going away no matter how many people cry on the forums about it. See you in IOC etc. in 9.2.

In fairness you and your bot friends killed me a couple times in that game :stuck_out_tongue:

you have the problem in that both premading and soloqueue have their merits, so you can’t really design around eliminating one entirely. there are issues with premades and even some are exclusive to certain communities, a few things could be addressed, but a lot of them can’t be without introducing some other problem or situation the community would likely have an issue with.

example of a positive doable fix: make the default graveyards in IoC spell reflect seige damage. this will have the effect of preventing premades from graveyard farming a completely helpless team for 2-3 hours. this is positive because it has no negative effect on the community or even the map, gameplay, or strategy.

example of a mixed bag fix: ban all premades. people would just all sync in solo. this would be fixed by mixing queues but that would increase queue times, something not all players will tolerate. alternatively, you could go the other direction and allow full premades, but then we are back to players queueing into being farmed in the AV cave.

perhaps if all positive fixes were explored first and we still have problems, then a doable mixed bag fix should be looked at.

Does anyone really care about “epic” bgs? Those need to be listed under dungeons and raids on the forums imo.

Graveyard farm is a form of control. You cripple the enemy ability to make a comeback by locking them away from the objectives. Suggesting a means of preventing this enemy control is not a “positive fix”, it is an attempt of a queue exploiter to enable larger premade queues so they can more easily farm epic BGs together.

yes, there are people who care.

they do sort of have their own category, a hybrid pve pvp sort of raid. i think this is why i like them, you have to bring your skillset from the entire game into play. what if they added the M+ dungeon equivalent with 6v6 bidirectional dungeon?

something to think about is when you go to pull trem, you never know how the fight is going to go, with a raid boss we have things down to the point of precision timers. but in raids its not like your tank gets teleported off a cliff y the warlock on the raidboss’ team.