Who would you like to see from the PvP community get on the Council

Exactly. MOB. Let these clowns try again.

IMO the greatest tragedy about armored core is that online play didn’t start until after Last Raven, which was essentially the original dev’s love letter to the fans. series 4 and 5 had a couple new devs and producer iirc hence the different direction in both AC style and gameplay.

but IMO last raven stands as the best game not only in the series, but in the entire genre. if that game was made today with online esports as the goal, it would crush wow’s pvp.

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GOOD LORD what did I miss in this thread. I was going to post a “vote for bob, he 100% maybe won’t not maybe become a wow dictator and give resto druids everything” (I’m looking for your vote, Delro) post and I think I just forgot to accept it. Almost 500 posts later and skimming through and I was laughing and nodding along to all of spirits comments.

I’ve got alts to 1600 accidentally in Yolo RBGs while helping a friend, it took two sessions and I can now get 249 gear. this is the best it’s been in ages. Easy to gear alts, far less boring PVE, can covenant swap. This is what it should have been to begin with.

If you guys can’t put a minimum amount of effort in an mmo go play another game.

Spirits for president

vote veshiae, i get forum bans for silly things and hate warlocks! Down with the wizard overlords!

ps if sota was taken out why hasnt wintergrasp been removed? literally same mechanics

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I also get time off for silly things, sota was worse than WG.

Not saying WG is remotely good, just sota was , wait I can’t poo emoji?

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i mean i get it but then you gotta look at the entire generation of those bgs design like ehhhh player vs door is a problem

everybody wants cool stuff but nobody thinks how it’s gonna get done :ghost:

We could build bridges, people love bridges.

hahahah okay i was a combat engineer for the army for five years

fool me once…

Last I played, I decided to go Horde to have more LFG options in order to do RBGs for upgraded conquest gear. I hit 1900 in a couple of days, upgraded all my gear, and quit 2 weeks later.

The game already has a steep learning curve that creates a fairly large skill gap. I am perfectly okay with that. Learning from your mistakes and improving yourself is a fantastic driving force for competition in this game. But, even when the gearing systems were great, there were plenty of non-games due to this factor. Now, the same company that took away gear vendors because they were too complicated to find, handed us a 16 tiered progression system.

I think a new player starting in Shadowlands is about 99% likely to quit PvP instead of continuing on. The combat system in WoW, although very polished and still likely the best of all MMOs in my opinion, is not very intuitive. There are 7(?) DR categories and dozens of different CC, interrupts, silences, snares, and roots in the game. There are 12 classes and 36 specializations. While you don’t need to know them all inside and out, at least basic game knowledge of all of them is required to perform at a reasonable level. This is actually one of the things that makes WoW so great. Good luck learning all these things in an environment that already puts you at an artificial disadvantage.

All that being said, when you convolute an already extremely steep learning curve (that admittedly does flatten considerably) with a convoluted gear system and borrowed power system, you simply will not have good player retention. Simply saying “get gud” isn’t going to cut it. People will simply go to games that don’t require so much commitment to enjoy entry-level content. That’s not healthy for the game overall.

Pretty much no one from this thread should be on the council. Inemia is the closest but they aren’t going to design pvp around epic bgs.

Only thing I’d wish they do is just blow the door off group restrictions like they did in TBC classic and what they’re doing with SoM (although that is only the 10/15 man bgs).

Oh another blob “pvp”er wanting no restrictions on epic bgs, what a surprise.

My b. I thought this was an MMO and playing with friends wasn’t frowned upon. Gotta play with drooling knuckle draggers then I guess.

Kinda offtopic but they have a very interesting achievement page, going from 0-2400 in less than 75 games in one day and getting hero and never doing a RBG or arena again. Some might be suspicious of that, but this guy is probably just a god of BGs tbh.

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Yeah I have seen that and brought it up before lol.

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Thanks for your vote, but I have no interest in the community council.

Ok well i guess that’s you saying good bye then.

Nah I’ll stick around to see how long it is going to be till the thread gets deleted because all of the no-life andys that try and derail the thread.

I’m certain it upsets you that I’m here though but nothing in this thread or game matters irl.

Also it’s good to get more awareness on Blizzard to actually revert gearing to the MOP/WOD system when it was more about skill than gear.

Why I love and support all ruin members, especially when you guys stick to your 5man groups.

Oh we do. We just bring 8 5 man groups into bgs to make friends.

Wait so your friends are randoms that you just met to aoe down a gy, that’s pretty sad.