Who would you like to see from the PvP community get on the Council

Yes, it does.

Only thing that changes is the race and certain gear transmogs.

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And the racials. It’s always awkward when I hit my Rocket Jump keybind on my Merc’d goblin just to realize that I used Escape Artist for no reason.

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So you think new players are an impossible situation? Or people low on gold?

Quote a single thing from this thread where I am trolling and not directly arguing points of the subject :grinning:

Again, link a single quote where I troll and derail. Everything I’ve said is on topic and in response to others. If you want to call me a troll then you must call everyone else here a troll as well.

I do play it.
If your takeaway from this thread is that I want the game to be bad then you’re really bad at paying attention. Further demonstration that you are not fit for any council.

Discussing something on a public forum. Strange, I know.

Haven’t said that. Reach more.

I do play them, rarely now.

Quote a single instance where I said any of this :grinning:

Also quote where I did this :grinning:

Do we need to become politicians before we can discuss politics?
Likewise, we do not need to sign up for a council in order to discuss the concept of a council.

Listen, I know you’re still very upset about me slaughtering you. But hyperbole and lies will not help you here.

No, what is disingenuous is lying and making up stuff which was not said.

Oh really?
So you think that exploiting the game to gain favorable advantage is standing up for the little guy?
What about calling people salty and implying they have no friends when they call her out for her exploits? Is that standing up for the little guy?
What about telling people “well then go get it” if someone doesn’t have the power advantages that she suggest be part of the game. Is that standing up for the little guy?

Yes you can.

A lot of the female toons have better animations than male.
Many male toons move like they have no spinal flexibility.

Most of your max level toons are female night elves. That is a sign of loneliness.

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It’s almost even.
Three max levels are male, four are female.
Of those four, three are nelf. The other is KT.

You’re pretty good at typing, but you don’t comprehend too good. In that sentence that you highlighted, what is the key word in there. I will go ahead and tell you, 'cause I don’t want to be here all day arguing with you about it.

(To Me) as in myself, how I feel. Now I’d like for you to show me how I feel this should be a good one.

I find it interesting that you’re being rating bashed by a player hiding on a classic alt.

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Did you or did you not say “you”?
Did you say “I” cannot have fun? No, you didn’t.
You said “you” cannot have fun. You used a generalization based on personal experience.
Do not try to screech when I respond with the same generalization that you used.

I’m going to straighten this out right now because if I don’t you (Hercx) will turn it into a four-page argument, that’s what you seem to like to do.

To me (Bdmxd) RBG’s is just too much stress, I (Bdmxd) got to be on his a game I (Bdmxd) can’t just relax and have fun.

Now I broke that down, hopefully you’ll understand it.

Now the reason I wrote it like that the first time is there are a lot of people in here that feels the same way I do, they said you just don’t listen or don’t understand it.

Me turn it into an argument? You’re the one that chose to derail with your paragraph about this in the first place. Do not try to pin it on me just because I respond to you.
By the way where is Inemia to whine about you derailing the thread with this tangent of yours? Is there some kind of bat signal we need to use? Oh that’s right, she won’t do that. It seems that telling people they derail only applies to those whom you dislike. Carry on then, innocent little BDM.

So now you’re admitting to wording your post to contain multiple people and yet you just got done screeching “reee i was talking about me”.
Jesus christ :man_facepalming:

The thing is certain posters have no interest in understanding, and don’t really even care what this is about. They just want to continue with their own narrative/fantasy/nonsense even if it’s vague/nonspecific/out of context/whatever and will keep picking nuances to exploit, at least that’s how they see it in their own little world.

This is how these sorts of fellers entertain themselves :slight_smile:


Hello Macabre! Nice to see you.
Can you please quote a single instance in this thread where you posted on topic for the discussion, rather than jumping in with “reee don’t listen to these people”?
Go on, do it. Who were your nominations for the council? Or your opposition to persons on the council. I can’t seem to find this post from you. Help me out? :grinning:

Macabre I’m not going to respond to (Hercx) it’s useless.


I don’t blame you.
It can sometimes feel useless to fight against someone far sharper than you.

Anyone else feel the bromance between Hercx and Macabre?

He’s extremely entertaining though I can tell we wouldn’t get along all that well as buddies :slight_smile:

:point_up: :point_up:

Otherwise please stop trolling and derailing the thread. I will call Inemia on you.

Haha Hercx tapping out :slight_smile:

Take care bro!

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Thought so.

Armored Core V (Japan) had a great situation that worked.
Translation apply. It was called Players Union where devs and players could chat about well needed changes. Yes! they were met, almost weekly.
NA was ACV was sadly years+ behind in proper fixes.

Could Bobby make this happen? After seeing the week long racists debacle that occurred last week… Probably no.

Imagine walking in your restaurant or bar, which you are employed and seeing that poster on the wall for that many days. No Boss? No Balls?

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