Who would you like to see from the PvP community get on the Council

Thanks but like I said I will never win a writing competition. lol

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Oh I know, I’m just bored like everyone else LOL.

When I went to bed last night this thread had about 300 posts. I check in this morning and it’s over 430. All because of gear disparities. If that doesn’t say something to Blizzard, I don’t know what will.


I am a man of taste and culture.

On the subject of premades, I have ran in premades before, but I’ve solo queued far more. If you are wanting to get in on some premade action or just play with some of the people from the forums, then I will tell you that there are few here who would decline. Over the years I have played with people I have disagreed with and I’ve played with people that I’ve gotten along with. In-game everyone has been insanely friendly, even people that I have gotten dirty with on the forums. That’s one of the reasons why I enjoy this community so much. No matter what side we are on, we are here because we love what PvP has to offer, for better or worse.

Doesn’t matter :wink:

It’s a He…

Unfortunately Blizzard don’t seem to notice anything until it’s too late.

Oh, by the way I’m a guy playing the girl toons For some reason I play girl characters better than anything else.

No virtue signaling please. We have enough of that from Father Blizz.

Or a great one.





What did I win ?

I lost track, lol.

I wouldn’t call it winning. Orcs are ugly AF.

If it doesn’t matter to Inemia , it doesn’t matter to me.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder

I hope more people apply so Blizzard can get nuanced feedback from various perspectives.

Otherwise, Blizzard might end up listening to a few players who like SL’s systems and think that players should first gear up in rated bgs before they step into random bgs…


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Just goes to show how dead the game is tbh

People so bored they coming to a dead subforum (Battlegrounds) within a larger dead forum (WoW Forums), just to argue about rated PvP vs casuals, gear disparity, etc etc in a thread soon-to-be pushing 500 comments

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Could not have said it better, my friend, all true.

This thread aside there has been a lot more activity lately in our battlegrounds forum. That is a good thing.

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Actually most of the games the last few days have been very good . Had a close BFG today morning . Had a superb Ashran last night when I merced into a group led by Ruth. Horde almost got that win but our frag guy respawned just in time for Groot to save Trem. :grin:

That reminds me, I have a question about merc mode: when you do that, does your name stay the same?



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