Who would you like to see from the PvP community get on the Council

Because the person for the council needs to be literal perfection incarnate. A casual player with 3k+ rating in all forms of rated content, someone who understands that there is a gear gap except for when there isn’t one. A person who knows what changes need to be made but also never changing a thing.

Until we find that person then absolutely no one from this forum can even attempt it.


If pvp was something important to wow awc would have way more advertising and prize money. They just don’t care as paying their players anything has been against their mo for years.

Shadowlands was good compared to bfa and could be better but they likely will just put their energy into the last two raids in the expansion and not expand outside that even if they bleed players.

I disliked BFA, but after experiencing Shadowlands I wish we could return to BFA. I don’t like the Story, the zones, the power scale of it all, the covenant system, torghast was fun the first few times but it’s stale now as well, even PvP has me feeling burnt out. I really hope the next expansion is more down-to-earth.


This pretty much sums it up and has for a long time. It’s kind of sad and weird to imagine this “floats someone’s boat” but then again there are all kinds of different folks in this world and some tend to enjoy the misery of others.

Oh well such is life :slight_smile:

Rated PvP’ers don’t have much in common with casual/BG-only players when you get into some of the finer details.

A rated PvP’er might walk into a random BG with 246-259 PvP item level and a (very) healthy 55k-60k+ health. On the other hand, a casual/BG-only player might walk into a random BG with 33-40k health - assuming a mix of Korthia gear and lowbie honor gear pieces.

OF COURSE the rated PvP’er/arena junkie with 60k health and high Vers is going to claim “PvP is fun! everything’s great! just gotta git gud bro”… can you say, “out of touch”? :joy:

As has been mentioned earlier in the thread, rated PvP also skews heavily to a very small handful of “meta” specs and their entire perspective is coming thru the lens of those small handful of specs. Forget all those casuals or “bads” that enjoy playing Arcane Mage, Prot Warrior, Outlaw Rogue, etc etc :man_facepalming:

These guys DON’T represent the PvP experience of the much larger casual playerbase and especially the casuals that mainly play the “non-meta” specs. Meanwhile, every single class/spec imaginable is fairly represented in the typical random/unrated BG scenario.

So when we see

…that’s really a disingenuous argument for the above-mentioned reasons.

60k health arena junkie playing a “meta” class, 2-3 shotting every lowbie on the other team, and “only” q’ing random BGs to farm honor for gear upgrades (rather than because they actually enjoy the content)? Nah, you don’t “represent” me.


Just add the nonsensical narrative of “Don’t be scared/lazy bro do arena” when it’s nothing to do with being scared, just not something enjoyable as mentioned, by quite a few fellers :slight_smile:


I apply for the Council tho I am mostly a casual pvp player who does mostly randoms on my free time but I likes things the way they are. I did a few rbg pugs even tho I don’t prefer them but with the new design got 1400 easy enough to upgrade.

Even before all that tho I was having fun in my flat rank 1 conquest gear doing solo que bgs and also with a community. I have fun on my 2 alts and they still in the 230s I don’t care about high level gear toons able to crush me cause I felt like they earn the gear so it’s their right lol. It just makes me learn to play as a team or play smart and I still do fine I freakin love it right now! I know plenty of 230s that only have an hour or so a day that are still having fun in ebgs.

But I do feel for the no time no skill low gear peeps and I can argue for a separate que option for a certain ilvl but everything has a price and it could do harm in ways and have its owns kind of twinks queing for it. But I like it the ways it is. So fun!



He actually does sometimes. I have seen him on his priest.

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Whoops, guess Inemia cant relate because they are 247 ilvl and are closer to the max level gear than someone who only does unrated is to them. Really funny you specified 246 when their checkpvp was at 245 though, but it looks like theyve already upgraded their gear past your imaginary line of when gear is too much.

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honestly seeing the difference a little gear makes just makes me more upset at the system.


The system is definitely stupid, that is for sure.


And this is why so many people would like Inemia to represent PvPers.

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SAS does not do discord comms typically in epics unless the alliance is also led by well known leaders and comms are actually needed to win . Otherwise it’s just a bunch of ppl playing together from the same community . Atleast in my experience with SAS.

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When I first made this post, I was thinking most of you would come in and drop a few names, but we got so many twists and turns, it’s kind of like a bad movie.

I have only played against Inemia and most of those were in epic BGS and in those rare 1v1 that we happen to find ourselves in he gave as much as he got. That’s not even why I suggest him to the council, me and him been back and forth on these forums on staff that we disagree on.

When I suggested Inemia name, I was thinking he would stand up for the little guy >Non-rated players< like I would.

Now on premades, I’m kind of mixed emotions about that, on one hand playing with all your friends it’s great, but on the other hand getting stomp by a promenade isn’t much fun either. Now you gonna have your RBG heroes coming in here and saying You’re good enough to run against, pugs, you should be good enough for RBG.

To me or RBG’s is just too much stress you’ve got to be on your a game, you can’t just relax and have fun.

You never gushed over her like this when she was a blood elf. Now that she’s an orc…nasty, boy!

That’s generally the way it goes with most epic communities.

I’m confused, is Inemia he or she? And my apologies either way.

Usually people stomp on promenades.

In “real life”, I have no idea. I’m just going by the toon.