Who would you like to see from the PvP community get on the Council

See again the issue I continually see in every argument certain things are either unfair or fair only in the poster’s or certain people’s eyes. Quite honestly in instanced pvp it should be two sets of gear, each 1 level conquest and honor gear. Nothing else. That is simplest way to make it fair.

So gear is a bad thing. I’m not understanding. Is gear a good thing for you but a really bad thing if casuals could get some from playing the game?

All of this thread only to find out the worst poster in it runs premades in the absolute lowest form of PvP…

and then calls you salty and implies that you have no friends when you call her out on her exploitation.

and then calls you out for taking the troll bait

So are you dodging again or just hoping this whole conversation dies out?

:point_up: :point_up:

I think you misunderstood my post. I am a casual. I don’t like doing rated content. I just want to queue into some randoms and have some fun without having to grind catch up gear or having to do ranked. I think BGs should still award honor, and honor gear should still be your entry level gear into ranked. But while in the random bg/skirm, there should be templates or gear scaling. That’s actually good for casuals because they don’t have to jump through a bunch of hurdles in order to just do a random BG

i never dodged any question, you sure dodged that comment about the troll bait.

your question isn’t genuine. a brand new player doesn’t know what he doesn’t know and will learn at his own pace. like i said, as long as stuff is brought to their attention somehow, it’ll be fine, mastery is a process, not something you accomplish day 1.

“oh gosh darn it you really trelled me!1!!”
Is that what you were hoping for? What exactly did you want me to say? It’s a pointless comment that I had wisdom to ignore.

Yes it is genuine.
A new player plays some BGs and realizes everyone is using potions. He is broke and cannot afford them. PvP is supposed to be fair and equal. What does he do?
This is not “mastery”. Stop acting like you’re some Sun Tzu reincarnation because you drank a potion in a video game. Come back to reality and answer the question.

No, we are the ones who are wrong. It convinced me.

no it isn’t, there’s a million things a noob is new at when they start wow, expecting them to have a full handle on everything right at the start of the game is silly.

well, in reality Sun Tzu wasn’t a real person, just a credited author, the art of war is a collection of common knowledge about warfare and competition. you can’t be the reincarnation of someone who never existed.

You’re dodging. Again.

I am a new player. I enjoy playing in BGs but I saw everyone using potions. I am not able to afford these. This upsets me because I wanted PvP to be fair and equal.
What. Do. I. Do?

If you want to sit there acting like new players are too stupid to notice that people are using potions, or that they haven’t mAsTeReD the game enough to use potions yet, then we can go back to what I said about guildies being so broke they can barely afford gear repairs, let alone potions for every BG.

The concept is exactly the same. Player cannot afford the power advantages that you suggest are ok for PvP.
What is that person supposed to do?

The bromance is strong here lol :slight_smile:

there’s several ways to acquire consumables, someone can give you one, you can buy one with a mark of honor, or you can buy one with gold in the AH.

if your new player has been enjoying pvp for a while, then he should certainly have a few marks lying around.

keep in mind i still suggested you purchase your honor set for gold, not a lot, maybe 2500 for the entire set, but its not free either. however at this point in the game, 2500 is rather trivial for most players.

tbh the marks of honor are enough, but the option to buy them in the AH is mainly there so that someone could come prepared before they pvp, or if they are on a bad losing streak and need to stock up but are out of marks.

Aren’t randoms the most popular form of pvp? I get what you’re trying to say here, but someone who is rank 1 is likely not going to have any sort of real insight when it comes to the more casual aspect of pvp, which desperately needs to have a voice.


Ya but who can be an honest voice that won’t try and push their agenda and be open minded.

An actual representation for casual players and improve the quality of the game.


A reasonable response and one that I could possibly agree with in theory. Marks of Honor cost nothing and are a direct reward in PvP. It could be argued that people would have to decide whether to use their marks for power-boosting potions or to save the marks for transmogs. Possibly worth a discussion but I have no input on it at the moment.
I don’t believe that consumables should be enabled in PvP at all, but they are :man_shrugging:

If you want be to on a council intended to influence changes to the game, you cannot tell people that their questions are not genuine just because it criticizes your position or idea. Blowing people off like that is exactly what Blizzard would do. You cannot be that way. Be better than them.

They are.
I myself play more random than rated.

I would agree.
It is lost in this 400+ thread but I stated that I would want to see someone who does both rated and unrated, as opposed to someone who only does one part.
The input of all sides will be given and heard because even though the council members are a select group, the discussions themselves will be public in it’s own new (and publicly visible) forum section. The goal that we need as far as which council members are chosen is to have people who have in-depth experience and perspective in order to be able to present ideas and questions for everyone to discuss.
At least that’s what I’ve gathered from their video and their statements about it.

Good news everyone, The mies has put his hand up in a new vod.

Worth checking out, he lists out very clearly why it’s not working and even from a new players perspective.

I’d link it here but due to the language I’d get some time off.

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i told you your question isn’t genuine because you re putting a nearly impossible situation together in order to create a trap, thats trolling, so it can be ignored. perhaps if you hadn’t spent the entire thread trolling i would take you more seriously, you cried wolf too much.

and what i have to say is shame on you. player feedback has the chance to make the game better, but instead of making the game better, you want to troll and derail the conversation with unnecessary trolling and childish politics.

you don’t even play the game Herc, why are you so invested in keeping it bad?


I don’t get ^ this either :laughing:

This is a thread about the WoW Community Council program, but yet…

  • he admits he’s not even interested in the program/hasn’t signed up for it or filled out an application himself… but is posting in a thread about it (???)
  • keeps talking about “only rated PvP matters”, but meanwhile he’s just some nobody RBG-hero type on his character page, no Glad achievement recently
  • he doesn’t play epic BGs, which have their own set of issues and should be represented in this program
  • sifting thru his posts here he seems openly hostile (???) to the idea of casual players/BG’ers having decent gear, is in favor of giant iLvL gaps, simply says “git gud” when a different poster points out that PvP is bleeding players and casual PvP’ers are leaving/quitting
  • when someone points out the mathematical disadvantage of a casual PvP’er attempting to fight an opponent with 20k+ more health, he claims blaming the gear gap is “just an excuse” and he then defaults back to “just git gud”

Honestly just seems like he’s trolling and picking arguments and picking fights w/ other forum posters because he just gets a kick out of it/is entertained by our responses to his trolling.

I can’t think of any other reason someone like him would be spending so much time in a thread topic he himself is not even interested in (he admits he didn’t even sign up for the program). It’s like, why is he here in this thread? :joy: