Who would you like to see from the PvP community get on the Council

not at all, it honestly just seems like people are trying to jump on the first complaint they can find. the reality is we have a lot of people in SAS who were on the verge of quitting wow, and joining the community and playing socially has changed their outlook on the game. and for a few it has even helped improve their mental health, so no, i dont think what we are doing is wrong in the slightest.

Honest question for you - do you think someone with 4x hero and 7x glad experience doesn’t have people to play with if they desire, or that they would have trouble finding people to play with if they wanted to?

What it actually sounds like is that you’re being petty because most of this thread was your friends hyping you up for this council and now a few people disagree with you.


You don’t think it’s unfair to the players on the other team?

Not even slightly unfair to the pugs on the other team who aren’t circumventing game restrictions?

Premade raids vs. pugs in a bracket which isn’t supposed to have premade raids?

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But there are other communities that also do the same thing. I belong to one that has personally help with some mental issues I was dealing with. I even have a leadership role and have begun building a community of my own as well because of it. Nobody is going to argue that people joining communities, making friends etc is bad, but you can’t complain about people in maxed out pvp gear stomping people in random bgs then at the same time create premade that stomp people in casual bgs, a lot of times undergeared in random bgs. That I think is more of the point here.

That would be nice but historically these groups don’t want a fair game. The most well known group scouted for premades.

I will agree that I support increasing the premade limit in EBG, as long as there’s strict matchmaking. Up to 15 or 20 players.


there are certain lines you can cross when you premade, i have complained about other communities in the past. taking full advantage of the fact that i have a premade isn’t something that i do. generally i try to push for games to be well executed and clean. in fact i have posted in the past suggesting changes to IoC in order to prevent certain far over the line bullying done by a certain community.

play enough and you start to see the premades on the other team, you know who is friends with who, who runs with who, and which names mean you need to stop goofing off and go into tryhard mode. but this is also something open to all players with multiple communities on both factions in different regions available.

Yeah. I’ve known players who participate in these groups for social fun (or trying to fight another premade raid), but they’d also admit it wasn’t fair to the pug players on the other team.

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But a lot of people que random bgs to avoid having to know who is who etc. A lot of people que randoms to goof off, experiment with different specs etc etc. Shouldn’t be on learn who is who or even feel the need to join communities just because of it.

idk, do they? the current state of the pvp community is that we are hurting. it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if you did have trouble if only because your friends are leveling cat girls in FF.

you don’t have to, in fact my ideal epic makeup is a mix of premade and solos on both teams. the combination of premade lead coordination and solo pvp magic in one game is quite fun.

The whole game is hurting atm. I know plenty of people whose guilds/raid groups have fallen apart as well. It may be more noticeable in the PvP community because it was already the smaller part of the game.

But this can’t happen. One big reason is the massive faction imbalance. The only way to make this work is making sure premades que into premades, which could and will create even larger que times Horde side. Even if the factions were balance it could have an affect on que times. If not for the solo quing player certainly for the premade groups.

It’s disappointing to see these sorts of justifications for circumventing game restrictions.

Oh wells.


one theory i have posited is that this is a result of hardmode raiding, and eventually M+. the reason being is that people have different skill levels, even if they are friends they have different skill levels. when the game tries to sort you according to skill, say by raid difficulty, key, or rating, that means that you may not get to play with your friends. the longer this goes on, the less you play with your friends, and eventually one party quits the game entirely because they don’t have anyone to play with.

if you look at wow’s peak population and popularity culturally, it was back in wrath. none of the bosses in wrath are hard by todays standards, and prior to ulduar’s introduction of hardmodes, the hardest part of raiding was the logistics of getting that many people together at once. look at the safety dance in naxx, once a legendary difficult fight for many raiders, its modern copy in SoD has to have multiple extra mechanics, random dance patterns, and adds. think back to naxx, if your guildie couldn’t do the safety dance back then, what makes you think they are going to do the modern version?

for gamers who like to push the edge, the last few expacs of wow’s raid designs have been amazing, but for players who just want to goof off in voice with friends, they have been slowly dying because people have been reaching their limit and filtering out of the game 1 at a time.

im not disagreeing, part of the problem with the queue system is that if you fix one problem, you introduce several more. its why i haven’t suggested a fix, only stated that there is community desire for larger premades. i’m well aware of who would exploit that, and by exploit i mean ruin someone else’s game beyond just defeating them, things like 2 hour graveyard farmfests in IoC or pushing people into their cave in AV. my opinion is that premade behavior can be easily judged based on if they are taking the most direct professional route to victory. if they are playing tactically, fine, but if they are goofing off and letting a win sit on the table to grief players, that is over the line. the problem is that its not like there is premade police, and as far as whether this could happen, that’s irrelevant, it already happens, its just a matter of can it be contained and regulated so you generally have premade v premade instead of 40man premade vs 40 man all solos.

i’d love to bounce a solution of a wall with you if you have one, but epics is like the pvp version of instanced raiding, social play is something i think should be encouraged because i think it would bring people back to wow.

I am not going to disagree there is a community desire, I just don’t think it’s as big as you think. Also doesn’t mean I don’t think it should be looked at though.

Here it is, folks. The person that some here suggest being on a council, telling you that you’re all salty for not liking the way she exploits the game to play the way she wants.

Perfect candidate.


SAS keeps having to prune inactive members because the cap is 1000, and we have several ally communities that are basically sworn enemies. both sides put each other on KOS and its like a real time gang war within the pvp community. given the level of drama goes from bgs to wpvp to forums to even reddit sometimes, i have to believe that the epic community as a whole is larger than people give it credit for.

its also one of the areas of the pvp community still playing.

Sure, social play is great. I just find it a bit odd when people can’t be social in 5-player groups. They can only be social in premade raids in a bracket that isn’t supposed to have premade raids.

Circumventing game restrictions benefits the people in your premade raids, but it’s at the expense of the pug players on the other team.


Based on what though? Arena and RBGs has actually ways of tracking activity. BGs don’t, it’s mostly on feel which is usually pretty biased.

I guess when I said community I was thinking outside just the in game community. The one I have a leadership role in is a Discord community of 4500+ members. Was RBG focused but now branches out to arena, Mythic+ and Raiding. They even do tournaments. Arena, Mythic+, RBGs some with Prize pools some without all aimed mostly at people that don’t get the opportunity to compete. In other words just for fun. Of course they have in game communities as well as do I, but Discord seems to be overall a better opportunity to reach more people I have found.

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what sucks is when you have to chose who doesn’t get to play with the group.

code for rated epics is in the game, however its limited to 25v25 and still suffers from the problem of rated doesn’t allow for toys, pots, flasks, etc. if rated epics were rated but played like unrated, that might take off

some games i win, somes games i get chased around wintergrasp by 24 angry demos and go 0 and 20 on kdr. karma balances out.