Who would you like to see from the PvP community get on the Council

For Epic BGs yes, but they just took the que limit of what those BGs were before. AV had a limit of 5 before it was made an Epic BG.

calling a good thing an exploit is partly the problem with wow, its going away from a social game to a hardcore performance game. there are plenty of other games you can do that better it, you play wow for the social aspect. if its not just the community I am in that is queue syncing, but in fact all of them, then that means blizz is missing the ball, there is a huge need for more social functions there and yet everyone is limited to 5.

AV was also played different before it was an epic, much faster and less pvp. the change to epic made it epic again.

This same logic applies to rated PvP too. So why are people in this thread saying rated PvPers are too out of touch with average PvPers to be on the council but that you are a perfect fit? You do both premades and solo I’d assume, but so too do rated PvPers do rated and solo unrated.

I’m not going to disagree to increasing the cap slightly and see how it goes and we both know there is technology to try and put premades vs premades into a bg before being placed with and against randoms.

How ever that’s not the case right now and there is a system in place to limit you to a group of 5, you avoid that system by counting down the timer and cross reference when a que pops at the same time.

It’s an exploit of the current system.

Not everyone does.

A good thing in your eyes.

Correct, but it’s still a small percentage of what is left of the player base. It isn’t this large thing. Just like WPvP.

Define “All of them” because I belong to PvP communities where this doesn’t happen nor is there an interest for it. People actually more enjoy quing with 5 people.

There is a need, but not in the aspect you are a talking about. People have already found a way around the que limits with que syncing. So but increasing the que limits it only benefits people already que syncing and makes less work for them.

it basically comes down to if you have an option to escape to what is seen as a viable game mode. if you are stuck at 233 and all you play is randoms and you keep getting deleted by players in 2100+ gear, then you have no other game mode to escape to.

if you are a rated player and have upgraded gear, then you at least have some game mode to escape to, even if you are stuck at 1800, you can at least go beat up the unrated players.

Actually it didn’t change anything honestly lol. Not even sure what you mean. Are you talking about like how is was played in original vanilla and tbc?

its how epics are played.

Yes and exploiters don’t deserve a spot on the council.

And if you premade you have quite an escape too. You can leverage coordination in voice or synergy with people you’ve played with before against uncoordinated pugs that have no chance to do the same if they don’t also abuse the queuing system like you do. Do you think the pugs on the other side of a 10-15 man premade think getting rolled by you is any different than getting rolled by solo queuing rated PvPers?


This is a gearing system issue though, not a game mode issues. They simply just need to go back to pre-legion gearing again, specifically WoD and it doesn’t matter what game mode you are in, everyone can get to the same gear at some point.


Ya this kind of thing bothers me. The attitude that a premade in voice running against a bunch of pugs isn’t somehow as one sided as well.

I wouldn’t call purposefully circumventing premade group size restrictions and gaining an unfair advantage over the other team a good thing.

I doubt the pug players on the other team would consider this a good thing.

Increasing the limit just makes it easier for premade raids to coordinate their queues to get 30+ players into the same bg.

Premade raids vs. pugs is really not fun for the pugs.


A real solution to stop HK farming premades is needed. That won’t happen if members of those communities are on the panel.


This is what I kind of meant. I just didn’t get it across the right way.

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you guys are acting like people meeting friends and wanting to play together while chilling in discord is an exploit of the system. all it does is make you sound like a bunch of salty kids upset nobody will play with them.

i mean, if the dirtiest thing you can find on me is that i premade, then that doesn’t mean much, i premade, i solo queue, i play unrated, i play some rated sometimes, and i play wpvp. mainly because i do want to go and explore and learn the different areas of pvp.

Oh, I was agreeing with your point.

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Nobody said either of those things, you are trying to take those things and use them to make your point. People chilling in Discord and making friends can happen without 40 man premades. I mean, it has been happening and happens quite a bit more quite honestly.

Sounds like you are upset people don’t agree with you.

I was hoping people participating in such activities would acknowledge that premade raids vs. pugs isn’t fair to the pugs, and improvements need to be made to the matchmaking system.