Who would you like to see from the PvP community get on the Council

What do all of the people who respond to argue with me remind you of? Or are we trying to act like this is one-sided and that I have not simply responded to the posts of others in a public open forum.

I’ll help you


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If I had to pick one person, it would be Swifty himself. Simply for the fact he has damn near almost 20 years of experience with World of Warcraft itself. He may not be the greatest PvP’er. But his knowledge of wow far surpasses most of the community’s.

If were gonna put someone on some council. Get someone who actually knows wow, not just some shallow level of it like these self proclaimed “experts” we see posting.

Hey so is this “Oat” Druid one of your premade buddies @Inemia? I can’t help but notice he’s “always” on your team, such a coincidence :stuck_out_tongue:

Just backfilled into a losing Ashran, took a quick peek at the BG charts/roster, and afked right back out. Premade vs pugs? No thx man

I saw you got a real stacked team in there. Plumcrazy, Silence, Cinco, all the “usual suspects”… I skimmed the BG charts for a few moments/saw the size of the premade and afked out so fast lmao

Oat is part of SAS but she also runs on her own a lot. also it was only 10 in that game.

Oat kinda does her own thing lmao i’ve been friends with her since mid BFA. You should hear her in disc, I’ve never met anyone else that can speak in improvised poetry real time.

Come on man, looked like more than that when I was skimming the BG charts/names :laughing:

Perhaps the Oat dude was also in there with his own partial premade? I know a premade when I see one.

They can’t have a premade!! Blizzard only allows you to play with 5, surely people on this forum arnt finding ways to avoid a system!

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we’ve been getting split queues all night, but the names you listed are all part of SAS, so we are all running together. but we also have accurate count of members every match.

Blizzard take note and scratch this exploiter off your list!

one of the things i def think blizz needs feedback on is to remove the cap on members in a community as well as increase the size of premade groups for epics.

Sure, but only if those same people face other premades.

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generally i would prefer it, but i also want some solos in there as well. part of premade strat knowledge needs to proliferate throughout the playerbase and premade communities need to be able to recruit people. if every game is full of your chosen 40, neither happens.

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I can certainly agree with this, like random bgs it tries to que premade vs premade and if it can’t it just puts you with the normal que.

Maybe increase cap to 10 first and see how it goes.

It’s very weird to me that in one breath people are saying that rated PvPers who do unrated PvP (which is a ton of them) are too out of touch with the average PvPer to represent them on the council while simultaneously holding up someone actually going to the effort of premading a random, unrated epic BG against pugs as someone in touch with the average PvPer?

How many people doing randoms do you think have big groups to circumvent queuing rules with which they then use to dominate random unorganized pugs in epics? Seems like a way different experience than what the average PvPer is having, which funny enough is a similar experience to what any rated PvPer solo queuing is having. I mean, the experience of being undergeared in unrated PvP is the same for everyone, but the experience that someone that regularly premades has is very different from the average PvPer that just logs on and hits queue.

Only really makes sense if you consider that this subforum doesn’t like rated PvPers but does like a handful of its “regulars.”

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Venruki and Revolol. The two are high rated, and have been advocating for the casual PvPer for a long time, especially during Slands. People also seem to forget you can casually PvP in Arena and RBGs as well.

while i absolutely think the game needs soloqueue, especially for some of its rated content, wow is primarily a social game. i don’t think its a right to look at premading or soloqueue as counter opposing ideas, but as different preferred pvp modes, like flavors of ice cream. if they were to increase the official premade cap they should also add a soloqueue to balance it out.

Exactly this, if you exploit the system to dumpster randoms, you don’t deserve a place on the council.

There is a reason it was decreased in the first place though. People seem to think that there is this large amount of the player base that loves to do premade BGs. There just isn’t anymore. What that does is continually put premade groups against all pug groups. Which in turn in bad for a handful of reasons one is say if you are Horde, and just sat through a 23 minute que for a Epic BG only to que into a premade who purposely drags the BG out to farm kills. I have run into Alliance groups in Epic BGs that literally do ZERO of the AV objectives and just farm the 500 kills in the Horde GY. The reason they made the que 5 at a time (which people have still found a way around) so people aren’t quing into premade and have almost a zero chance of winning. Quite honestly that is why RBGs are a thing.

epic bgs were a queue created in 8.0, the max individual group size has always been 5.