Who would you like to see from the PvP community get on the Council

I don’t have social anxiety … I don’t have time .
2 kids under the age of 4 , wife , 8 hour job has put a serious dent on my playing time :cry:

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Not people. Spirit. Me improving my gear addresses a personal problem when it is a community problem. I stated this earlier, you must have missed it. Which leads us to the next point…

I stated that there is an imbalance. It isn’t an even mix, and sometimes it’s not even a close match. There are undergeared players on both sides, but we keep seeing situations where one side will have more higher ilvl players than the opposing sides. Again this has been talked about multiple times on the forums. When one side has an average ilvl of 215 and the other side has an average ilvl of 240 then the 240 will win. Sometimes that’s my team. Sometimes it’s the other team. In both situations it’s imbalance and it shouldn’t be happening.

I never said it wasn’t a mix, we don’t have templates. I said that it’s imbalanced. This is where the semantics come in. You are arguing a definition of “mixed.”

Offering 0 proof btw.

This was a misquote. I apologize for this.

You got me.

Interesting comment from a guy hiding behind a level 10 alt with a hidden profile.

3 kids, just took in my nephews, so a grand total of 5. A wife, a full time job, studying for an advanced certification, and launching my own part time business. It’s hard out here for a PvPer.

How do you have time for the forums? If I wasn’t off work this week I would have stopped following this thread a long time ago.

Took most of the day off today. It’s easy to browse the forums throughout the day. Usually it’s during downtime through the day, in between meetings, I have an hour lunch break and an “errand” break during the day. Some days i’m super active on the forums. Other days I can barely make a comment.

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When I am at work I am on the forums , like most ppl here I guess , lol

They gave me a laptop with two additional screens, when I only needed 1 additional. What else is supposed to go up on that 3rd screen? Lol.

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Yes you did say that. Word for word.
I stated that both teams in a BG are a mix. You then said:

I am not arguing any definition of semantics. You are.
All I’ve done is state that teams in random BGs are mix, not opposites on a spectrum of gear.

I stated that the proof is in the game we play. And I suggested that you join a random BG and screenshot both teams so that we can evaluate whether the teams are mixed or if they are on opposite ends of a gear spectrum. This is already obvious to everyone who has ever played a random battleground. If this is not something that you’re aware of or able to recognize then there’s nothing I can do about that.

You know that account isn’t that hidden right, pretty easy to find who the owner is.

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Ignore the rest herc, you’ve derailed enough. You pick and choose even when I admitted and apologized for when I miss quoted you. I was wrong to say that it’s not a mix. It is a mix. It’s an imbalanced mix and it isn’t always fair. You still chose 6 words to pick out of an essay and ignored an entire discussion.

Ilvl imbalance is real between teams. Ilvl imbalance is real between individuals. I’m not sure how you keep moving past this point. But please, quote everything else around this.

What part was ignored? And where did I derail anything? Here are the full statements:

To which you then replied:

So what was ignored? What was picked and chosen out of context?
I stated that you said BGs are not mix. You replied and said that you never claimed this. I linked you proof that you did.

I haven’t moved past any point of yours, especially since that wasn’t even the point you had all this time.
I am the one who has said that BGs are a mix right from the very start. You claimed that I said otherwise. You were proven wrong. You lost.

I have many priests. I will say the priest with a mix of rival 1 and rival 2 gear v the priest with duelist gear. Plus sockets and conduits. I am much much deadlier on. And it should be minimal. But it definitely isn’t and I definitely win matches I shouldn’t with raw damage uwu.

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Can someone translate?

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I recognized that and I apologized. Stop seeing red for a moment and take a breather. Me stating that there was an ilvl imbalance was the point that I originally made and I’m sorry if that didn’t get translated very well.

There’s no translating me

Laziness? Altoholics?

Shh, don’t tell your boss!

I don’t have that skill.

You remind me of an ex-wife. Going on and on and on and on…

All the while I’m pretending to listen while thinking about chicken and divorce lawyers.