Who would you like to see from the PvP community get on the Council

I think you lose rating after 1000 and certainly after 1200

you start losing rating after 1000 since last season btw.

i thought about that, and if you look at the player gearing cycle, mind you the PVE ilvl under my system remains the same as current, you still have to play rated to upgrade your pve ilvl. but if you look at the gearing cycle, a player would deck out a toon with honor gear instantly, then if they want to customize it, that means custom stats and in SL, a leggo. to get that leggo they have to run torghast. you get more ashes and cinders the higher the layer you run, and the higher layers require higher pve ilvl. so if you take the rated path, you can achieve your end build faster than a casual playing only unrated. you also get advantages in dailies and world quests.

Then your whole “Gear imbalance between teams doesn’t exist” argument. But please, delay another reply on arguing semantics. I’ve never thought you dumb Herc, so don’t play the role now.


PvP is supposed to be a competition. I think random bgs are more fun when the power gap is smaller and everyone can be competitive against everyone else. You shouldn’t have to pray that your teammates are just as geared as the other team so you can actually have a decent game.

Unfortunately, Blizzard went the wrong direction in the most recent expansions.


Never said this either.
If you disagree then please quote it :grinning:

Saying that you are not losing random BGs because of gear, or stating that you’re not facing fully geared teams with your own team being fully undergeared, is not semantics.

I could, then you’d probably say something like “I didn’t say that it didn’t exist, I said that there was close to a 0% chance of it happening,” thereby absolving you if any evidence were posted proving otherwise. But that’s your whole shtick, right? Just keep moving the target until you have an out.

Then do it :grinning:

The target hasn’t moved. My statement has been the same.
But again, feel free to quote the parts where this is not the case :grinning:

You said that I claimed that gear imbalance does not exist. Where did I state that in anything you quoted?
In fact, the last quote you cited supports the notion that gear imbalance exists. I literally said that teams are mixed lmao.

At least I have chicken.


If PvP gearing is so amazing why are hundreds of players asking for it to change?


You’re wrong. Participation in rated is dead. The current gearing system is hated.

We want a MoP/WoD type system, 2 sets of gear.


Fine. Your argument of “The gear imbalance is uncommon, low enough to where I can support my claim with proof, but high enough to where I can deny your proof”

I would throw in some “clowns” and some “You’re all lazy” or maybe even some “LMFAO :rofl:” to really complete the impression if you like.

But here you are, still arguing semantics. You know what I meant. You’re just trying to avoid the point like always. Ilvl imbalance is a very real thing that happens often. Do you want some proof? Then go search the forums. There are dozens of topics about it. On every single one of them, there’s you, vehemently defending… whatever it is that you defend.

No. I am arguing no such thing.

  • You claimed that I said gear imbalance does not exist.
  • I challenged you to quote a single instance where I said that.
  • You then not only failed to do so, but you linked quotes where I am saying that gear imbalance does exist.

If anyone is attempting to argue semantics it would be you, as you are trying to put words in peoples mouths and spin statements to suit your narrative. Here is an example of you arguing semantics:

“You know what I meant”.
What I know is what you posted. What I know is what I posted.
And what I know is that you have failed to support what you posted when challenged to do so.

I’m just glad that we cleared that up. Large ilvl gaps exist and ilvl imbalances also exist. Next time just tell me that I’m right and move on.

Oof. Owned. LOL :slight_smile:

But then again it’s pretty obvious that certain posters seem to be here for the sake of simply causing unrest so the “needle will always be moving” lol.

Imagine if all you people avoiding it started doing them, the time to fill a team would be fast.

Maybe they should just have a solo que so you people with social anxiety can que up like a normal random bg and when you hit 1200 you get better gear.

233 is plenty viable, did a comp stomp yesterday on my 199 resto Druid and it was easy.

Just learn to play your class.


Your argument was not right. It was wrong. And you proved it yourself when you linked my quotes.

Let me recap for you since you’re clearly lost.

  1. You were screeching about gear gaps and people were suggesting you address that issue by doing content which enables you to close that gear gap.
  2. I stated that you’re not in a situation where you’re facing fully geared teams with your own team being fully undergeared. I stated that both teams are a mix of ilvls.
  3. You, for some reason, claim that teams are not a mix. Apparently you think that every player is the same ilvl?
  4. I reiterated several times that teams are indeed a mix and not on opposite ends of gear spectrum (aka large gaps).
  5. You somehow start screeching that I said gear gap does not exist.
  6. I challenged you to provide any evidence where I said this. You failed.

Interesting how it turns out that you project the very things that you put on others…

Which part was the ownage?
Is it the part where he failed to link any quote in which I say that gear gaps do not exist?
Huehuehue, you’re right he did self-own :drooling_face:

You keep repeating this same sentiment and thus doing what you are claiming others are doing.

This was great. I needed a good chuckle.

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