Who wants ZG sooner, rather than later?

I like ZH because it has a lot of loot that fills in the gaps, especially for hybrids without a tier set, that is missing. It also increases the availability of things that are borderline side grades to rare drops in MC.

I think however that until MC/BWL are almost down to 1 night for most people I wouldn’t want to add another raid night.

I could see BWL/ONY and then MC/ZG

I would not mind it if they released ZG early.

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I’d actually do ZG. I don’t raid but would make an exception. It’s one of the good ones. I’ve always enjoyed troll dungeons/raids.

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Not when mages switch to fire.

Even before then…

84dmg 4% hit 2% crit > 100 dmg 1% hit 2% crit.

It’s almost as if im the egg guy on razorgore and the guy who is making sure everyone does strats right since its the first 2 weeks. Parses are bad on purpose. And I don’t care about my parses as much as my guild being the first 8/8 for alliance on my server.

Funny you keep bringing up anything you can to avoid being wrong.


Huh? Did you forget what you were posting about in this thread? You were displaying an inability to comprehend my short posts.

Uhhh, what was I wrong about again? Please read the thread before you put words into my mouth like other posters.


Alright, so you want ZG to release two months after BWL. Early April it is then!

You seem to want a Vanilla schedule, glad you agree with me.

TBH I could wait months for new PvE content. Going to take us a while to get BWL on farm and clearing fast so we can do it with MC on the same night. Also I kinda hate how ZG is on an awkward 3 day timer. Gives me anxiety. I wish all raids just had the same weekly reset on Tuesday lol. But I guess ZG doesn’t need to be farmed too long. Once you have the couple items you need, people just go for the shoulder enchants.

ZG earlier would be nice for smaller guilds though or just to have a bit of flex content that’s easier for smaller groups.

What would be nice to me though is slightly early release of Arathi Basin. Could use some fresh PvP stuff.

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Actually more lower tier raid content is needed badly. Many people are leaving guilds/the game in general and progression for casual raiders could use a boost. Bwl didn’t bring back many players.


Very much agreed yeah, for the health of the game earlier ZG would be great overall.

More content doesn’t take away anything from anybody. I know when ZG is out I will need to let myself miss a raid lockout here and there. Will def miss some ZG raid windows and that’s OK. I missed many months of MC so whatevs.

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There’s two mindsets that are prevalent among raiders that are contradictory to each other.

1.) Many people think the raids are too easy.
2.) Many people feel the need to hit every single lockout of every raid.

People make the content too easy through their own actions and mindsets. Not everyone needs to min/max the raid lockouts, people are going to have to learn this sooner or later. It doesn’t matter if ZG comes out in two months or four.


I wouldn’t be upset if it came out sooner but we definitely don’t need it right now.

ZG and Ulduar are my two favourite raids, really looking forward to it.

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That’s why this game is so amazing man.

There is so much to do and so many ways to progress. A single character is a multi-year journey. And it can be played in so many different ways.

People who get anxious about “doing it all asap” are really susceptible to burnout, and that’s the biggest change I’ve tried to make with my own mindset in Classic vs Vanilla. I actually quit and came back a couple times during vanilla and ultimately fell behind due to that. Going with the “marathon, not a race” mindset is really helpful for us older people at least.

Also, the more content that gets released, the bigger and more exciting the world gets and the more options there are. It also doesn’t necessarily make any of the previous raid or even dungeon content obsolete either. There are best in slot pieces for many classes (and guilds, like Thunderfury bindings for example) in each raid tier.


Very true, especially for PvP servers. I think people might enjoy a little variety from the Blackrock Brawling with a little Stranglethorn Showdown.

You realize retail has timegating, right? Like… a lot more than Classic does.

Too bad you don’t like my answers. What I want to happen and what blizz will do are two different things. Yes I want no changes but I’m not stupid. Blizz will do what they want. By your logic we should have had bwl sooner.

Vanilla bgs: 7 June 05
Vanilla bwl: 12 July 05

Classic bgs: 10 Dec 19
Classic bwl: 12 Feb 20

So yeah. Blizzard doesn’t care what you or i want. Stop changing my words to fit what you want. Sure I’m no changes but im not naive either. Blizzard will release it when they want and I doubt they release zg that close to bwl.

Oh… you agree with me then? ZG should release in early April?

You just came into this thread to argue and bicker with me because…?

I do not agree. If we started at patch 1.1 and moved from there I would. I don’t want phase 4 in 2 months. Phases change everything.

Oh, so you’re not No-changes anymore.

Okay then.

Just seems a little odd as you previously applied your No-changes stance to even paid transfers:

You didn’t even want the paid transfers to deviate from the Vanilla schedule. It’s almost like you want things to release when you personally feel ready for them.

It’s almost like you didn’t have a good reason to troll my thread…

Lol you’re one of those people who don’t have a flexible bone in their body. It’s one or the other. No grey areas. This has nothing to do with no changes. Blizzard will do what they want. And you know what? Yes. Im bored at work. Im gonna argue with you till i get off work.

ZG is a super fun raid, but let’s stop and enjoy blackwing lair, too.

When classic wow reaches Naxx, there’s nothing left. Why rush it?