The changes people

don’t insult yourself by making an argument based on what I would like. Because the fact is you’d have no fkn clue what I’d like or what I’d not like.

But you don’t make sense, none of the changes I propose would negatively impact this great game.

How’s Pelican insulting herself? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I already played WoW during Vanilla up to BFA and don’t want to deal with the grind again

I just want all of the original Vanilla Content with the Gameplay from BFA so I can easily get all of the items that aren’t available anymore in BFA like Medivh’s staff

goodness gracious what is this

Yes. Those updates added gear. We don’t want it. We want vanilla wow as close as possible to the original.

I mean there’s nuance to it. A lot of really hate retail because it’s not really a MMO anymore. I agree that retail has too many handouts, but that doesn’t mean that there cant be new or changed content that follows the spirit of classic gameplay.

An extreme example might be something like a hypothetical quest for paladins to get Crusader Strike at 60. You have to get a BoP drop in Strat Live to start the quest. The book sends you to Light’s Hope to get the next part. In order to get the spell, you have to collect various items from level 60 elite mobs in Plaguelands, and kill 200 undead in the Plaguelands and Plaguelands dungeons. You would literally need to go on a crusade to get Crusader Strike. After you’re done cleansing the undead, you must pray at Light’s Hope and by praying, you get the spell.

Not saying that I even want Crusader Strike in the game, but there are ways to implement changes or new content that follows the rules of Classic gameplay. Retail was ruined because players were given more more more without needing to work for it. As long as the content has a sufficient time commitment and difficulty to finish, I don’t see additional content as a negative at all.

Changes=/=retail Retail died of a death of a thousand cuts. Nobody wants free epics or spells out of changes. Most of the changes crowd wants more classic content because we want to continue to play THIS game more. We want to play Classic past the capacity of the game currently, and not all of us think that TBC was purely the right direction for the game.

We want changes because we see how the Classic endgame goes and we want more of it. We don’t want to rip the Classic experience apart, we’re fans that want more of what classic is.

That’s the thing, I don’t want to experience the 1-60 journey a second time

I just want to get to 60 as quickly as possible and do the content that isn’t available in retail anymore like Lv60 Kazzak, the four Nightmare Dragons, Lv60 Naxx, Azuregos, the AQ questline and so on

Speak for yourself, I want the best gaming experience possible.

Right above your post, ha…

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I dont think the classic experience is for you if you cant commit to leveling. level takes 400 hours for most players at a minimum. Why should the game cater and change to you on this one, when you don’t like the majority of the game?

Which is why you don’t take change suggestions from sub level 30s. Most of the garbage changes suggested like free items are from people who aren’t even playing the game. In Classic, it’s really easy to see who plays and who doesn’t. Level 13s and 24s asking for sweeping changes can easily be written off as nonsensical.

yea that’s nonsense. This isn’t vanilla, this is classic. You havent leveled in Classic. It’s a fresh slate, we’re all on the same playing field. Classic dropped on the same day for everyone. You don’t have enough levels and time played to have a valid opinion on how the game should be shaped.

I want dual specs and premade group finder.

It tries but it aint, trying and being are two separate things my friend. So the #nochangers gotta spin some other way to sell it as Vanilla.

Please leave sooner, your opinions on how the game should be are not wanted.

I am very much of the opinion that if you want changes, then you will find those changes already exist in Retail. That’s how Retail got to where it is, by making changes to the game.

People wanted a version of the game that goes back to what the game was like in Vanilla. Demanding a watered down, smaller version of Retail is absolutely stupid.

Demanding “little improvements”, incremental additions, and all the other stuff that eventually led to the current state of Retail is also stupid and completely defeats the purpose of classic.

There can be a middle ground.

I know I would have loved the changes I’m asking for if they happened in vanilla.

Pretty sure the #nochanges crowd wanted patch classic to start on patch 1.3 or 1.4 not 1.12

There are so many people that think Classic = 1.1 and it’s not anywhere near close to that.

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Yeah, the middle ground is having completely SEPARATE servers for WoW Classic and TBC Classic

With TBC Classic, I can have Paladins capable of being tanks, Horde Paladins and ALL of the Vanilla content is still available to do once you reach Level 70

Getting geared in Black Temple drops would make going through the Original Naxx easy