Who want's layering gone out of game

You wasn’t in the beta or stress tests then. I saw plenty of people in game and grouped with quite a few of them. The starter zones and barrens was quite active.

I vote more servers, then merge.

Like every other MMO ever.

Layering just sounds like Blizzard expects Classic to fail.

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Historically, when a company start merging servers, that is a sure sign the game is on it’s last legs, like every failed MMO ever.


I don’t think you quite understand the issue.

Blizzard is fully expecting large amounts of people to quit classic. Thus to keep server health stable they are inflating the amount of people a server can hold with layering.

Merging servers is really in mmos because the entire communities of the servers are thrown into chaos once the merger happens. WOW has never done server mergers.

Isn’t that just what Blizzard is expecting with layers?

“We expect to lose 80%+ of our population.”

Hell they are throwing in the towel before it even begins, and ruining the 1-60 experience to boot.

Now you are making stuff up. Just fear mongering. If you wanna see Classic to fail, don’t bother to play it. I’m still trying to figure out why some of you guys are vehemently wanting to see Classic or anything Blizzard does to fail.

What did I make up exactly?

They never merged servers until a year after it was too late anyway. And you could never trade with anyone. All I see are posts from people that expect to reach level 60 in 1 month. That is not what classic wow should be about. Go play a video game ps4 or Xbos

Who are you to define what Classic “Should be about?”

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When did they merge servers?

Exactly what i’m saying

You are not saying anything…when did they merge servers? You said they did.


I said it from the start, classic never had layering.

Vanilla never had layering, but Classic =/= Vanilla, Vanilla didn’t have Battle Net either, nor the modern infrastructure supporting it.

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Jesus christ guy, you start your discussion with a question. You get answers you don’t like and now you’re just speaking nonsense.

Do you think Layering is merging servers?

they created classic to bring back the old players that left years ago. It will not have the look and feel of classic. That’s what this whole topic is about. Old school verses new school.

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Show me the quote from Blizzard that states this.

This topic started with a question [Who want’s layering gone out of game]. Now you’re going all over the place.

Guess what? No one is forcing you to play it. Speak with your wallet. You guys want EVERYTHING Blizzard does to fail, just so you can justify your ego.

A Troll again. lol

He’s not trolling.

You just dont like answering questions.

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