Who want's layering gone out of game

Please define what you think a “Troll” is because if you’re talking about the race of my character you’re correct.

Again you started this all off with a question and appear to be massively disappointed people are not overwhelming agreeing with you. You make a lot of hyperboles in your assessment of what layering is going to be off of … idk?

People understand why layering is going to be in the game and say they’re fine with it and now you’re going about trying to define what Classic should be and how if people disagree with you they must be trolling.

Honestly the biggest suspect of trolling right now is you.


Ok, you’re not understanding, Before Pandora came out, that was last straw for all my guild members, they left. When I was out questing in panda land, Horde came out to kill me on final stage of quest. I rez and killed him on final stage of quest. This went on for 45 minutes. Then he thought he could skip to another quest a little further up. It didn’t work out for him. He left after an hour and half. Don’t F with a pvper that is bored doing quests. It broke up the monotony of the pve section of the game. I and other will not have that because of layering

Yes you can and will.

Your basic understanding of layering is flawed.

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You do realize layering is planned as a temporary measure til the server populations stabilize?

What? not seeing 50 players in front of me because of layering? or the 200 other players? I’m sure it all works the same way. All I see are responses from players that expect to reach level 20 in first 4 hours of game.

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It doesn’t even matter because his example of layering is incorrect. Layering is not sharding. His pvp will continue to happen in layers.


Which has NOTHING to do with layering.

So a player in front of me I can’t see will automatically be seen when he is attacked by another player?

So all this gnashing of teeth is because you cannot kill a player you cannot see?

WTH are you on about?

You could be on a layer that is so packed that you would be here in a heart beat complaining about not being able to kill a quest mob.

You could be on a fresh layer that is rather empty.

Its a temp situation for the influx that we will see on the start.

And WTH does reaching level 20 have to do with anything? Are you making assumptions?

Your argument is flawed. Many of us have been discussing this in MANY threads. Some of us have even come more to the middle of the topic from opposing sides.

You made a post with a question. Got answers from the people on the forum and you are complaining and calling us trolls because we don’t see eye to eye with you.

Not cool man. . Not cool at all.

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you mean it wont feel like 2500 peopl playing at once on a sever or you want 10000 people on at a time?

No it’s always a hyperbolic scenario where the person complaining is always alone on their layer and everyone and literately everyone else is on another layer from them.

You get the short end of the stick correct, but everyone else gets to enjoy it. However averages play out and the odds of you being the only player on a single layer is very small.

Just watch the streams, they had 100 vs 100 battles at South Shore multiple times already in the beta.

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They have spoken.
And classic is for US ALL.

Again. Do a search on the forum for Layering. You will find LOTS. .Many in the top 10 right now.

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Ant that’s my point, the one’s they want back are not going to start an account until it’s too late. I’m speaking for them. Not the one’s that ruined wow, that are still playing today. Because blizzard listened to them. That ruined the feel of wow.

No one asked you to. You ONLY speak for yourself. If people come back, great, if they don’t, so what?

That is a matter of opinion.

  1. Classic is not just for these ones you claim they want back.
  2. You DO NOT speak for all of them. You speak for YOURSELF
  3. You are free to your opinion on who ruined wow. THats a HUGE one to unpack.
  1. Just because some are playing today does not mean they are not a part or as important to the community as anyone else.
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They had 12 mil sub back then and 5.5 mil now. only reason some of us on now to brush up or get into beta! They have a total of 100 mil accounts. only 5.5 mil active

Again, so what? How old is WoW? 14 years old. As they said in game “No king lives forever” There will be a time when wow will shut down.

That was 2010, this is 2019

You can’t compare sub numbers to support your argument.

Man…no one is saying you cant feel this way.

Just stop with the troll calling and realize everyone has a right to agree or disagree.

Then why is Blizzard making classic. BECAUSE the pirate servers are making more than them!