Who want's layering gone out of game

My take on layering is you lose the feel of original WOW. You see less people, it’s a ghost town. I’m a major PVP there could be a horde right in front of me kill another alliance member. I’m never going to see it? Why? because of layers. Gold spammer are going to use it to harvest good and sell on ah. To me layering is BS and not needed and you lose the feel of original WOW. Who’s with me?
There use to be people that RP, hung out in bar all day just to bs. That too would be gone. The list can go on and on. If I walk into a natural zone and see horde, I expect to kill or be killed. None of the bs harvest stuff. You can go to a PVE server.


Not me, I’m not bothered by the layering tech.


Same. Needs a few tweaks to prevent exploits, and definitely should be using a 3k cap between two continents, and a max of 3-4 layers per server, but otherwise, all good.


Wanna know what’s a ghost town? Half the servers if they launch with enough to sustain initial pop and no layering.



Extremely happy with layering as it will make for a tolerable early game experience and not the unplayable disasters of private server launches.


They have to do something to deal with retail tourists. Layering isn’t going to be that bad, most layers will probably be gone in the first few weeks.

Hopefully they tweak it a bit to minimize abuse, but it sure beats the idea of spending all day in queue.


Nothing–nothing threatens the game more than layering does.

I say this only to the benefit of WoW. I want to see it be successful.


Great! Then you’re for their layering plan.

Thank you for your support.


Not a fan of waiting for mobs to respawn to get credit. That’s pretty self explaining in itself alone. I highly doubt you know what “successful” means at this rate. Is it drowning the players to not play? that only a certain few, streamers and there spergs, to play just classic on there realms?

I have said this in a hundred other threads, no one wants layering but no one seems to have a better idea. Until someone gives me a better solution, I am 100% on board with layering.


the should just up the timers spawn rate, in the starting areas

Hell to the no. There’s a lot of hostile enemies that will respawn in seconds if you don’t clear out right away.


Ah here come the private server requests.


Respawn code that scales based on people near said mobs/lootable quest spawns.
Problem solved.

I agree. No dynamic respawn. That is a trerribad private server disaster idea.


the only issue ive had with layering personally is sometimes it bugs out in world quests and the phasing resets my world quest progressions… not seeing players doesnt bother me at all… but im biased as im not very social ingame and prefer to do stuff alone if i can help it… actually everything people have cried about in current wow has catered to my kind of introvert…


Um, Layering isn’t in retail…it’s a classic only thing. You are thinking CRZ and phasing. Different color of horse


I think you are misunderstanding the real long term goal of layering. Sure the short term benefit is plenty of mobs for people to kill for their quests, but the ultimate goal is to prevent dead servers. Layering allows them to put far more people on a single server than would normally be feasible so that when all the tourists leave there won’t be a trail of dead servers behind them.


yeah, these people do not really know anything. I tried out a fresh pserver, I’ve tried Northdale also, and fun fact about northdale, it has layering for each zone.

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that’s y there is in setting deny all requests to group.