Who want's layering gone out of game

You “you” will see plenty of people…

Please add your support or grievance to any of NUMEROUS posts on layering we have. Starting a thread with a question then arguing with people and ignoring the majority of responses seems a bit like this thread was set up just to argue.


They closed down all the other servers but 2 on last beta test, and still no one was there. Idk if they are trying to work out kinks. Players are not going to be seen. Period…

There was more than 2 when I went to log on (which was after some were closed). The last test was specifically for different layer amounts.

If you didn’t like it, have you left your feedback on the feedback post?

That’s because u guys are tired of playing BFA and want to check forums. Go play BFA. Some game that has been watered down so that anyone can play

I’m sorry. I don’t believe I asked a question.

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ah here we go…can’t argue your case, can you?

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that’s because blizzard will not let me comment on above player until another post was added. I was hit with 3 replies at once. Just wait and see if the actual hard core player will respond. Oh right, they lost the hard core players years ago and that’ y they came out with classic, that isn’t classic

You can always edit your post with quotes from other posters to reply to them.

About your title, I prefer the option of layering vs no layering as I understand why they’re doing it.

Your stance about “hardcore player” is nonsense when you take in account mythic raiding is by far more “hard core” than any raid in Vanilla-Cata

you can always do this to reply, still holds the same effect.

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yes I already tried to respond to above post. I could not reply. sure enough you never played classic. to think that they were easy.

And yet you keep making the same arguments that I have already pointed out. Did you not even read the topic, Who’s with me? You’re just all trolls. With nothing better to do because WOW has got you all bored.

Wrong I have and they were easy. Naxx and C’thun were just overtuned for their levels.

If Naxx was out for more then just a couple of months though, more people would have cleared it. Have you done any current mythic content?

Sure enough, here comes the troll. And least he isn’t afraid to show the fact. lol

Someone is getting testy because we don’t agree with him. BTW, Not agreeing with you =/= trolling. You just are repeating the same tired talking points the other threads have used. You have brought NOTHING new to the conversation.


Lol again have you done any current mythic content? Also please elaborate on the most difficult parts of MC, BWL, and Onyixa.

Getting 40 people together who were attuned.

You think you do

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I would have rather non bundled subs and a box cost, so they would have a better chance of having people who were willing to have skin in the game playing on the launch servers.

Their decision to use classic as a way to prop up retail subs in large part created the potential mess that layering is to attempt to solve.

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Yes having the people to actually get into the raid was the hardest part of the early raids in WoW. However the actual raids were quite simple with mechanics compared to today where most things easily one shot you if the mechanic is done incorrectly.

My point i’m trying to make. They launched wow classic hoping to get the old times back in game. When they see no one is on they will quit. The people that play a new game will be gone in a few months, but the ones they want to bring back will be gone in 1 month. Not the classic feel

Yup yup.
