Who want's layering gone out of game

Count me out. Layering is a good solution to long-term health of the servers.

It’s good to see they’ve done one pass on layering and given it a cool down. We will see if this works well and if it needs another.


It certainly will for PvP servers.

ahh my bad… i guess i kind of saw them as synonymous.


I can see it being used on Expansion launch days. I’m betting that Blizzard is seeing how it works out here and perhaps they might use it in retail.

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didn’t they lower the respawn when WOLK came out? what’s the respawn rate now? 1 minute?

I don’t much care for it, but I like dead servers even less so I understand the need for them to do it.


Layering, at least at the start, is the best of several bad options. Look at the choices:

  1. Tons of servers, to accommodate all potential players, potentially leading to servers with extremely low populations
  2. Sharding
  3. Loading queues, so you have to wait in line to get onto servers that are at capacity
  4. Layering

Of the four, Layering seems to work the best. No, it isn’t perfect, but it is the best of the bad options given to us. As a temporary measure, until the initial rush is over, I’m fine with it.


I understand, over the years I never replied or commented in forums. I have Just seen over the years Blizzard making changes to game and population dropping year after year. Why can’t they make a PVP- NL so the big dogs can run, and not have the original wow watered down. There are people that are hard core. Not wanting to be a sissy and turned down by server Q. I thought Blizzard wanted the old school back, now the one’s already tired of BFA.

I’ll be honest sharding starter zones only for a limited time was really the best option given to us… we all know how that went though.

My guess is they have zero desire to make a bunch of specific server types to make people happy. Its the same reason they aren’t doing an RP-PvP server or seperate language servers.

The goal is to have servers with healthy population at the end of the tourist cycle.

I was there, 6 hours in starter zone in a group. That’s fun that’s why so many want the classic.

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Reminds me of the old saying, be careful what you wish for.

What classic wow?

You and I have different definitions of fun friend. 6 hours in northshire? Count me out on that being fun.


lol, yeah.

No people said no sharding so Blizzard found another solution, now which one would you have rather had?

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I want that apostrophe gone out of the thread title.


That’s y they can keep in on pve servers, just not pvp. I’m going to miss seeing a lot of players to kill

I got a lot of heat for saying sharding starter zones wouldn’t be so bad. Now I get to look at people asking for it and laugh.

It’s ok though layering will be fine if they can get all the kinks out of it.


They will still be there. Chances are each layer will be plenty full. They aren’t splitting the server cap among layers but artificially raising cap and splitting it into layers.

If people from the last test would voice their feedback in the right post and express how much they hated the low pop layers. It would go a long way in ensuring that they avoid them.