I waited in queues before and I don’t mind waiting again. I waiting for 2 hours to login to the stress test.
Why harm Vanilla WoW with layering/sharding for tourists? So they can instantly login and leave in a few weeks?
I still want to play the game. In fact, after waiting hours to get into multiple stress tests, I had an awesome fun time. I don’t mind queues - if I did, I would never have enjoyed a concert, game or fun event.
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It would be a standard sub. That part would not change. The thing I am proposing and have proposed in the past, is a box cost: exactly as there exists for BFA. Except that my idea would make the box cost requirement for access go away after a week or so.
Good for you, but understand that nothing is going to make people quit faster than being unable to kill a single mob, because even when they try to group up, there’s still more groups than mob spawns, and we all saw this on the stress test.
Nobody wants to pay $15/month for a glorified chat room. It’s only a couple weeks to make sure that the launch goes smoothly. It’s not going top change your experience at all.
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If killing 1 mob will make you quit, find another game. You can go to less populated server. Yet you’re paying 15 and in this chatroom. Couple of weeks my a donkey. Did you ever go to a summer camp and want your parents there for a couple of weeks until camp slowed down for you? get that tit out of your mouth
Well I should of just asked for a summary anyways because you just repeated yourself a million times over and over.
To keep from getting long winded, Ill cut it down to this, I agree with Blizzard that this is the better route to take when dealing with the initial launch problems.
It is a way to simulate opening more servers so people can play without sitting in massive queues, but also gives them a way to essentially merge things with much less impact than a typical merger does.
It isn’t without flaws, which is why they continue to work on it. However if it insures I get to play and do so with a healthy population then I’m ok with it in the short term. I’ll be around for years so a few months doesn’t mean much in the grand scheme.
Finally I could care less what other players want, because that is spread out across far too many people. I worry about my ability to play and enjoy myself, and I think layering or something like it will help with that.
TLDR because I got long winded anyways: Im ok with it in the short term if it means less time waiting to play and a guarantee of not having dead servers.
Blizzard can you make a RP-PVP non layering? you can even call it Hard Core? Put a little bling into it? All these people are bored with your new expansion, they are looking for a game to play. They are in forums all day looking. I even had a guy say he’s a solo player. But Classic isn’t an expansion and he could be playing classic right now with layering, but he is not. He is looking for a game to play. They do not understand, they are get frustrated at the new expansion right now. They thing they know what their looking for but do not. I know what others are looking for, the ones you want back. keep layer out. For the people that want layering, they can go to play wow now. This is not what classic is about! Make WOW great again keep CLASSIC classic. You cant make classic like modern day wow that people can play!
And yet everyone keeps repeating bs to. they can play wow with layering but do not. Whether they know it or not. they want to see other players playing.
If you don’t like layering come back during phase 2.
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It won’t, and I have yet to see any proof that it does.
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If layering will make you quit, find another game.
you can play wow now, this is not what classic is about.
So I have to wait months to play if I don’t want layering and it is in, yet you only have to wait a couple of days if you want layering and it isn’t in… hmmm …
If non-layering will make you not play classic go play retail? hmmm . . .
Seems like blizz wins in this scenario more.
This is whay destroyed WOW, someone posts if you don’t like layering quit. YET he can play with layering and will not. He is waiting for classic
Static layers. Most people who hate layering hate it for its sharding/CRZ elements. Most people who support layering support it for the built-in merges that will ensure a healthy server population. Static layers eliminate the sharding/CRZ elements of layering while keeping the merge tech intact.
Layering is in.
If you don’t want to play with it, then yes… You must wait.
I suppose your alternative is to stomp your feet, take your ball, and go home. (Which is what many anti-layering people are acting like.)
Your choice.
I am ecstatic that layering is going to be available for phase 1. It will make a playable starting experience and those private server fools that want thousands of people in every starting zone can get over it.
So, COMPLETELY isolate half the server as your solution? To you really not see how that is so much worse?
BfA does not have the pre-Cata world or pre-Cata quests.
If you want a game without layering, private servers are waiting for you.
Then Y you stomping your feet? why not wait for Q. You can play now with out Q, but you will not.
I think it would have very little impact and in fact all it would do is push the same surge out til this 2 week time frame.
I think even most Classic fans would just wait the couple of weeks to get it for free. Your solution just kicks the can down the road.