Who uses Heritage armor still?

Since humans do not have it yet… and I have not gotten to exalted with silvermoon on my BE… Working on other races getting them to that point slowly. Will be nice to get all of them at one point.

What can I say? I look great in it.

Mag’har: Except for the helm, yes.
Highmountain: Yes
Tauren: Yes
Blood Elf: No
Lightforged: Yes

Haven’t unlocked the others, but if/when I get around to it it will probably be:
Dwarf: No
Dark Iron: Yes
Gnome: Yes
Void Elf: No
Kul Tiran: No
Nightborne: No
Zandalari: Pieces of it probably, but not the whole thing

A little too bright and shiny for my rogue. At least the shoulders don’t light up. Lol.

Maybe for a Plate wearer…


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On every character that has one

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Just got mine 2 days ago, so yes. That said, i might revert back to my usual mog in a week or two.

My void elves wear Only the chest from the Heritage Armor

I mix and match it. But I’m not 100% sold on the whole set.
The belt is everything I wanted for my cloth gnomes.


I only got the ones leveling because I like some of the races. My son did blood elf. That it. Not interested in them. I use mostly green for amour. I will I might use gnome.

Yes, only because it looks REALLY good on a gnome. I especially like it with the tabard, that goes really well.

They “made it” for our squat bodies, which normally tend to muck up other “mog” outfits.

When I’m bored of it, I’ll go to other stuff but still probably mog the headpiece.

Yeah. I’m too poor to transmog it consistently right now though. I think I’d do the same with the Dark Iron set, too. I like the plate sets.

The Void Elf set I’d probably use for the novelty for a couple weeks then swap away. I hate gaudy cosmetic “wings” in MMOs. They traditionally reek of cash grab F2P cash shop type stuff and I can’t shake that feeling (on top of just not liking the aesthetic in a world I’m supposed to be able to take seriously).

I don’t like the Kul’tiran set. It’s fitting, but it’s bland.

Could use the Spirit of Echero mount. It was recently given the ability to fly and, I think, matches up with both tauren and highmountain aesthetics since they are very much into spirits. Plus it supports their size.

I am. I thought most people did? I guess not…

I have the heritage armor but I don’t have it on my belf death knight. Does not look great with the blue eyes and pale skin. As well as the chicken legs once you take off the robe with no armor on the legs:/. I love the armor but the legs are the issue that keeps me from wearing it.

Mostly on this toon.
Monk wears some of it.
DH uses pieces of it.

My Void Elves use most of it.

One of my NB uses pieces of theirs.

Haven’t unlocked anyone else, sadly.

Draenei havent gotten heritage armor yet. And those Light forged heretics are not Draenei anymore. I swear, we better not get another light themed armor for normal Draenei

I’m wearing Belf heritage on my FDK, mogged with firey swords. It doesn’t fit at all with the class and I love it.

Note-- I mogged the shoulders away for a Legion-era plate piece that matches well and is simpler and has SKULLS.

For pretty much all my characters with heritage armor I do because it’s mostly better than anything else we can get. My Lightforged are the only ones I don’t really use it on because it looks too generic Argus patch armor and doesn’t really stand out.

Pieces here and there. Not exactly all slots.

Blood Elf is red and gold, and I can’t stand that combination.