Who uses Heritage armor still?

I actually haven’t gotten any heritage armor unlocked yet, but I’ve also only unlocked void elves as well. :sweat_smile: I tend to drag my feet on stuff like this.

I do have a VE warrior who is at level 109, so once my work schedule permits more play time (I’m in the middle of training for a promotion) I’d really like to get it to 120 and get my hands on a set of heritage armor.

I’d REALLY like to get my hands on the cloth VE set, so I’ll probably level up my shadow priest here soon as well.

The gnome set is just perfect. Really impressed with it.

Unfortunately, the heritage armor for Mulgore Tauren doesn’t look like it belongs to them but instead the Skytotem, so I doubt I’ll ever use it.

You may be right. I think I vaguely remember that. But that tells me I liked the robe look, but not the pants. Lol

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Yep :slight_smile: love that BE heritage armour it looks SOOOOO KEEWWWL :star_struck:

My KT male looks bad in every xmog BUT heritage, so hes stuck with that. Its also a great xmog set tho.

If my dwarf was a warrior or paladin id probably keep the heritage on. Feels weird on my mage, plus i like my davey jones look.

I was never a huge fan of the dwarf heritage armor. According to lore, it belonged once to high thane Madoran Bronzebeard.

I am a simple dwarf warrior. Give me the plate and armor of the frontline fighter anyday. I am no mountain king nor thane.

The armor is too regal for my RP.

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I do but i do wish it came with weapons. I love BE armor though and i have it on my BE alts

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It only shows the robe in the “sets” window but if you look at actual chest mog appearances, it’ll show up there. Definitely looks a lot better for non-casters and I’m glad they added it.


I’m only using the helmet because it’s really cool looking.

Everything else is “ok”, I guess.

Other than the helmet, yes.

I went full Native for the time being, in Zalandar.

Slowly working on my Gnome’s set, That one looks amazing.
Not a fan of the Void Elf one personally. /looks over the fence at the Blood Elves with envy…
Though that maybe because of the ‘wings’
They don’t move. theres no physics to them, and I’m a rogue. They look really really really stupid.

My Lightforged is quite often using it. LOVE the lightforged one.

just my Dark Iron

Yes, still use mine. I thought it was a very cool looking set. Only reason I leveled again, never again on any other

I usually mix it up with pieces but most my alts still wear em. I have all heritage armor but Zandalari, just need to get that one done.

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My paladin uses a few pieces mixed in with Dazaralor gear.

I will incorporate bits and pieces of mine for awhile. By the end I think the belt is the main thing I will be keeping from the set though.

I would use my heritage armor set for this KT druid if the coat was longer as originally advertised but alas, I do not. My KT rogue uses the full heritage set but I don’t play her.

This one is by far my favorite Alliance set.