Who uses Heritage armor still?

The only one I got was Lightforged. Then they changed the color of it and refused to release the rest of the colors.

Nope. I’m done. Not getting heritage armor again.

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when im on this alt i am blackrock is still the best looking heritage armor yet.

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I’ve only done/completed BE and Tauren.

The BE one is … I guess it’s a nicer robe than some of the other robes out there. But nothing about it is really that amazing. It’s NICE… but really, who cares?

The Tauren Heritage armor, however, is AMAZING. I freaking love it to pieces and yes, I’m still rocking it on my Tauren. It’s so PERFECT!!!

My only question would be: for a land mount, Tauren and Kodo go perfect together. It feels good. But what for flying mount? This is what I can’t decide.

On the one hand, I use Headless Horseman, just because it’s practical. Tauren are SO BIG and the HH mount allows you to get in and out of buildings without having to dismount. It’s small enough for that, without making you look like you’re riding a toy. But for that “perfect” aesthetic of a Tauren on a flying mount… I haven’t figured that out yet.



Sure am. :slight_smile:

Toon dependent. Ranges from my KT who is in full heritage to this toon who uses the helm and back pieces…I like the BElf gear, just can’t wrap my head around a hunter running through the woods in a robe. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I do … just didnt get around to Moging my shoulders this morning.

EDIT. They still show as the Heritage in my profile.

I haven’t bothered to get any of them yet.

I just recently discovered that I need exalted with Silvermoon to get mine, so yeah, a tad far from it.

Because it is super cool.

Plus my other favorite transmog from this expansion, the Honorbound plate set made me look mean.

I am not mean so it was a problem.

Don’t forget that it comes with a regular armor version too. The BE heritage is pretty amazing. (click on me for exhibit A)

I do need to level a tauren just to get that totem though.

warlock does, it’s the best mog for him that isn’t a dress

Only on my Mag’har

All the rest lose their luster in a few hours

I do until 90. Once I hit 90 I replace it with either crafted armors or WoD drops… Once an alt hits 90 it gets rotated to the next alt…

Isn’t there an option to have regular chest and pants, instead of a robe? I thought there was the one time I put it on my belf, but it just doesn’t fit with my rogue, has to be stealth clothes, lol

I love love love the Heritage Armor! I wear it on all my new alts that I create. I can’t wait for the heritage armor for the rest of the classes!!

I’m using mine on two Dark Irons. This one and the on the pally I’m levelling.

Also using heritage armour on my LF Draenei, although the tassel on the belt clips into her legs. They only had to make that belt for 2 body shapes of one race - male and female - and they couldn’t get the female one right. I don’t use the shoulders on her, because I think they’re a bit overpowered for a hunter who moves unobtrusively in the wilds.

My HM tauren is still sitting back in Dalaran and probably won’t be playing in BFA, but yes, she’s in her heritage armour.

My Nightbourne 'lock doesn’t use hers. Neither does my VE hunter.

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Not the full set but yes.

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I do! Partially. I like the wings. :smiley:

To “forget” that fact, I would have to know about it in the first place! lol

All I know is that I did the quest line, I unlocked it, and in the appearance tab (afaik) all it showed was the robe.

How do you get the actual ARMOR?? Why would it show a robe for a DK?? (the chr I did it on was a DK)

I do, some parts of it are in my current mog.