Who should land a killing blow on Sylvanas?

Nah. Blizzard has been indicating that they knew they need to do something for the Night Elves. Killing Tyrande would only be digging their hole deeper.


They didn’t ever say that Shadowlands will surely be something positive for the Night Elves, did they?

They only said that Tyrande will be there.

They also didn’t say Tyrande would be dying. That’s only you reading paranoidly into things.


I also don’t like it if the genocide is simply undone ala Marvel, it’s not a very good plot when losses and stories mean nothing.

Imagine Lord of the Rings where all the dead just come back, it would be boring.

Tyrande settling a score with Sylvanas would simply be the better plot at this point.

Consistency should be brought to the end, with all the highs and lows.

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Because that would spoil the story. Your point was that the Night Elves would surely get something positive in Shadowlands, but absolutely nothing suggests that. The devs didn’t say or hint that they would get something positive and from what’s datamined so far, everything hints towards more negatives.

All you have is jumps to conclusions from datamining. Same as the people who though Sylvanas won’t burn the tree based on her “shocked” expression from the previews of her Warbringers animatic. Baseless speculation is baseless.


Blizzard is currently - it has to be admitted - trying to win back the hearts of fans. They’re cleaning up things they never would have done before, they’re listening more to their fans’ criticism, they’re admitting publicly that they screwed up, to say the least. Only again today, when they admitted that Malfurion in val’Sharrah was a big mistake that will never be repeated.

The point is, it took years, but blizz international criticism has increased so much that blizzard has lost so much that they have to give in.


Hm? I’ve not heard about this?


I have dev statements, history of writing and datamining to support that the Night Elves will get more tragedy instead of happy moments.

They are still continuing with their vendetta against Night Elf fans, so I don’t see how it would matter.

scroll down, the writer of the storyline wrote a lot about it itself.


You have no dev statements saying more tragedy instead of happy moments. You’re reading into datamining in ways that aren’t actually conclusive. And there is plenty of history of writing of the Night Elves winning - just not usually having the results of their victories shown is all.


If blizzard is stupid enough to write another low blow to the night elves, they’re more likely to end up losing more people,


We have dev statements saying and hinting that Sylvanas won’t die and won’t be a raid boss which is already a blow to the Night Elves, then we have the statement saying that the Night Elves already achieved revenge in 8.1. Furthermore we have Danuser hinting that there will be a sad Night Elf cutscene.

Well, seems like they want to lose Night Elf fans. Either that or a writer is acting on his own against the Night Elf fanbase and nobody at Blizzard noticed it, that could be a possibility too.

not die? I don’t remember.

She won’t end up like garrosh, like this, that’s it. And if I remember correctly, that only referred to BFA, and they were right about that, that’s no protection for Sylvanas in terms of Shadowlands.

You know, if the Jailer was overthrown or defeated, then Sylvanas as a prisoner in the Maw for eternity with no chance of redemption or compensation would also be a cruel fate. Because this time it would be eternal and she would have to suffer for eternity.

I’m still in favour of Tyrande using Sylvanas as a wiping cloth, but as the last Cinema a Tyrande who throws the absolutely beaten up Sylvanas whose smile and face is completely bruised and smashed into one of the worst dungeons of the maw, that would be a really good ending

“You were right, Banshee, in the end we all serve death, enjoy your service.” bam door closed.

There have been no statements that Sylvanas won’t die. Garrosh wasn’t didn’t die as a raid boss, either. He died in a quest.

Shani Edwards didn’t know what she was talking about for 8.1.

And Danuser said there would be tears, not that it would be sad. Watching souls get freed to their proper afterlife can bring tears as well.


Lol. So naive.

I mean… what you suggested is a defeat for Sylvanas and a positive moment for the Night Elves, both of these are impossible.

He WAS a raid boss. They specifically said Sylvanas won’t be a raid boss.

Yes she was, and they never took that statement back. She is the same person that said that Tyrande will be in Ardenweald, just saying.

It’s indeed possible that some souls get freed, but that wouldn’t fix any of our problems. Getting them to a nice place like Ardenweald or reviving them would help, but your suggestion would just mean that they died normally. Not a satisfying conclusion at all.

We’d just be a few months back to the point where I complained and atleast hoped for the dead Night Elves to have a good afterlife, which Ardenweald seems to be the only afterlife that offers that from those 5 we’ve seen. We know that the Night Elf souls won’t go to Ardenweald though.

Whoops, I posted the wrong video and can’t find the one I was thinking of.

I may be unique in this, but I don’t particularly care about Sylvanas in terms of night elf revenge/moving forward.

The War of Thorns, both in-game and in associated media, made a big deal about how happy the Horde at large was to go invade night elf lands and kill night elves of any kind.

It’s one of the reasons I hate this plot and its lack of resolution - the story spent a lot of time telling the Alliance how the entire varied factions of the Horde wanted (and succeeded) at murdering our terrified, fleeing civilians, then ended by saying “Oh, look, Sylvanas left, I guess we’re at peace now.” It’s a complete non sequitur to me.

Horde side does have ‘Sylvanas Loyalists’ getting rounded up, but absolutely none of this is conveyed to the Alliance player. So as far as the Alliance player knows, all those Horde forces the War of Thorns story flaunted are still there, still perfectly willing and able to go murder some more night elf civilians in any homes they manage to rebuild - and the story should have resolved that point instead.

I don’t want to drag the Horde player through any more bad story, but I do think that this needs to be resolved.

Tyrande killing Sylvanas would do absolutely nothing for me. Sylvanas didn’t fire those catapults herself, didn’t light the ammunition, didn’t commune with fire spirits to make the tree burn hotter. She wasn’t the diverse army of soldiers who cheered when they marched into Ashenvale, who stood there listening to all the screaming of the innocents dying in the tree they had set alight and then chose to continue supporting her, not just in understandably protecting their own homelands, but in conquering new territory, in raising the dead, in every new bit of villainy she could come up with, without raising any complaint.

Players can come up with decent arguments that the Horde felt the Alliance would kill them all and thus felt they had to stick with Sylvanas, that the Horde felt there was no chance that a Mak’gora against her could succeed and therefore they could not even replace her with a non-mass-murderer for the defense, that the Horde could not even voice disagreement with burning civilians alive or the Loyalists would silence them… but Blizzard, alas, left all of these arguments in the realm of conjecture and instead had Lor’themar tell us that “Sylvanas has the loyalty of the people” and that the Horde rebellion was so small and outmatched by those who followed Sylvanas instead.

And then poof “Forget all that, Sylvanas ragequit the Horde so we’re all good!”

The story spent a ton of effort in showing the Alliance that the whole Horde was to blame, only a smidgen of effort (…eventually) in saying ‘mostly just Sylvanas tho’, and then gets confused when we’re still angry.


I want to see how the Horde is different now - and the details already exist, the story just needs to show these Horde-imprisoned loyalists to the Alliance player, show the faction negotiations and that points of contention are not just ignored, show what’s happened in Ashenvale, show what guarantees the night elves will get for how another civilian genocide cannot happen rather than vague promises that the Horde will not do so again.

I can’t care about Sylvanas and her fate until the rest of this is handled. Whether it’s Tyrande or Vol’jin or Bwonsamdi or some random squirrel who gets the cinematic killing blow, it’s all the same to me. I don’t even care if she survives as long as there’s some guarantee that she can’t lead armies against the Alliance anymore.

And I find it unfortunate that my biggest anticipation for Shadowlands is for how quickly the story can get out of it.