Who should land a killing blow on Sylvanas?

Okay, I’ll take a shot at it. What if everyone who died in the War of Thorns is not only freed from the Maw, but restored to life? Would you trade that for killing Sylvanas?


Not really. Everyone Thanos killed was magically brought back to life. Thanos was still killed. Twice.


I mean, I’d take it because it’s still better than what we’re getting:

  • Sylvanas & Nathanos redeemed
  • Tyrande killed off
  • Night Elves near extinct and their land given to the Horde
  • Night Elves still all dead - looks like it will be a mix between destroying them and sending them to a different afterlife

But I agree with Amadis that there should’ve been way way more of a resolution, also a resolution for the Night Elves should’ve been positive for them, not negative… but what do I know since I’m not a professional writer that has a personal vendetta against some people and acts unprofessionally because of it.

I’ll put it this way: Lets say Arthas, instead of putting on the Helm of Domination, betrayed the Lich King at the last second, and somehow brings all the people of Quel’Thalas that he killed in the Lich King’s name back to life.

Do you really think Sylvanas and the no-longer-have-a-reason-to-call-themselves-Blood Elves would really just move on and let Arthas be?


I think it would depend on how the story was constructed, and what else Arthas was doing.

Do I think Arthas could go back to a normal life and still be king of Lordaeron? No. But if he, I don’t know, offered to go straight to the Shadowlands in their place–maybe Revendreth, so he could be purged of his mistakes–then he’d be punished (but with an eventual end) and be beyond their reach. They might not get personal revenge, but I think it would still be a satisfying story from an outside perspective.

You’re thinking Thanos; I’m thinking more Darth Vader.

–Oh, and PS, killing Thanos the first time turned out to be hollow and unsatisfying for everyone concerned.

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Yes. Warcraft has pretty frequently portrayed that as the moral act.

It’s stupid, but look at what happened at the end of WoD. Grom and the rest of the Iron Horde literally tortured, enslaved, and murdered the Draenei en masse, but as soon as they got hoist by their own petard, they came crawling to the Draenei and Azerothians to help fight the Legion. None of the people killed because of the Iron Horde were even brought back to life.

I would, in fact, rather see all those souls brought back to life. Maybe Ardenweald or something is brought into the world of the living, or some essence of it is, and Teldrassil is restored in a new form. I can’t believe that you really think just offing Sylvanas would be better than reversing genocide. Yes, she would get away with it. I would have rather it never happened in the first place. Good riddance.

In fact, I’ll go even further and advocate that Shadowlands reverse as much of the destruction that BfA has inflicted as possible. All the dead from the WoT and the Blood War are brought back. Who gives a **** anymore.


If the Night Elves got a new home and Ashenvale back then it would be a start, but those things are very very unrealistic

In reality, there is going to be even more tragedy for Night Elves and Ardenweald will be the start of it.

Cool! Yes, add that in too. Kick all the Horde out from Ashenvale. Maybe start growing a new world tree, or give night elves a new capital city with an updated model. All the clear-cutting in Stonetalon and Ashenvale makes me sick to look at.

How so?


Well Tyrande will die pretty early in Ardenweald if the datamined voice lines are to trust, I’d say that’s another tragedy because Tyrande as the Night Warrior would have had the potential to achieve justice for Teldrassil, instead they just threw that concept away.

That and those turtured Night Elf souls we’re killing in the maw.

That’s why there’s no hope of anything satisfying in Shadowlands anymore, so maybe 10.0 (not).

At least there’s always fanfiction, bud.

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I don’t really care for fan fiction, I was hoping that in Shadowlands there would atleast be some attempts to give Night Elves some positives, but seems like it was a stupid thing to do.

I should’ve accepted that 8.1 was the resolution for Teldrassil, they said it and yet I somehow thought that there’d be something positive in Shadowlands instead of even more tragedy. That’s the reason why I stayed around for that long…

I’m just feeling bad for other Night Elf fans that were expecting anything out of Shadowlands other than the usual… atleast I did everything I could in the forums, on reddit etc. to try to bring attention to the topic, but seems like the hatred against the Night Elf fanbase is indeed real, and it has been the whole time.

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Anakin’s redemption was nonsense. He was unatoneable the moment they had him slaughter a bunch of children.

Because they had the expectation that they could undo what he did.

I don’t think anyone should get their hopes up that the Night Elves will just be magically resurrected. Freed from the Maw, yes. But I would not expect them to be coming back to life.

You summed up my feelings on that. And in the end they killed Grommash off any way.

Or she we’ll help her regulate the Night Warrior’s power and she’ll get the keep the manageable portion of it and live.


Lots of Star Wars fans disagree with you. Not saying you’re not free to like or dislike any given story, but it works for a large chunk of the moviegoing public.

At the moment Thor killed Thanos, they had just learned that the Infinity Stones were destroyed. They had no expectation of being able to undo anything at that point.

I’m not saying you should expect this in-game. I’m asking if, hypothetically, you would trade it for killing Sylvanas.

My 13th birthday was celebrated by seeing the Phantom Menace on the big screen the week after its release. I am happy to disagree with other Star Wars fans.

Hence why it was hollow. They weren’t after justice to begin with. Thanos took the wind out of their sails before Thor even went for the head.

And I said no.


You’d be surprised how much fanfiction can soften your outlook on the canon story. I was super upset about Teldrassil and the direction Sylvanas’s character was going, but then I read a bunch of fanfiction where she and Jaina fall in love and make out everywhere on Azeroth and I felt better.

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If nothing but killing Sylvanas will satisfy you, then there truly is no way to make both you and Vozul happy. I tried.

I’d be interested in hearing what other Night Elf fans think, though, just out of curiosity.

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Now I didn’t necessarily say that, either. I just said that I wouldn’t trade their resurrection for Sylvanas’ life. My point with my Thanos example was even if they brought everyone back, I would still want Thanos dead, same as I want Sylvanas dead. So mass resurrection doesn’t win me over.

But I didn’t say it was impossible for there to be a resolution to the story of Sylvanas burning Teldrassil without her dying, just that I didn’t see one, and Vozul hasn’t proposed one yet, either, as far as I can tell.


That doesn’t seem likely at all…

It seems more likely to me than you think.

I mean, whenever they gave us a task we fail it.

  • We were told to save the civilians from Darnassus, we failed
  • We were told to stop the Horde in the War of Thorns, we failed
  • We were told to stop Nathanos from raising the Night Elves, we failed
  • We were told to reclaim our lands, we didn’t reclaim our lands (not all of them atleast)
  • We wanted to get justice for Teldrassil in the war campaign, we failed.

Nothing suggests that Tyrande trying to survive the Night Warrior powers won’t fail too, just like everything else. That’s why it should be obvious to you that Tyrande is basically dead and should be counted as such.

I just hope that Shandris as the new Night Elf leader won’t be an Anduin puppet that signs a peace treaty that includes the Horde keeping Ashenvale, but she probably will.