Who should land a killing blow on Sylvanas?

Being this quickly placated by once again getting nothing more than “Oh yeah.” from the Devs is the reason why Night Elves have such garbage presentation on screen. No one should be content with a Tweet or a Blizzcon question.

It’s not about making it about the Night Elves. It’s about not selling new players on something that isn’t true. They should know what they’re signing up for. Which is why the pre-patch WoT should be mandatory when starting BfA as your 10-50 zone.

Ion already said we won’t be getting much more than that in Shadowlands. Demand more if you want. Crying that Blizzard won’t ever give it to you is a waste of time.

Shhh, history is written by the victors.

You think people here can actually swallow the fact that in war, you commit the worst war crimes to gain the upper hand?

Nah, lol, people here think the Allies won WW2 with nothing but pure valor and heroism, and not a single drop of crimes.


That is what makes war interesting to study, after all. Though it must be said, I find warfare in history to be particularly boring otherwise.

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And still a better use of time than being a complacent shill down on his knees.

Between immediate deaths and later deaths from radiation burns and other health causes, the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people.

Hitler killed via the Holocaust at least 11 million (6 million jews and then upwards of 5 million Slavs, Roma, and anyone else they considered ‘undesirable’.)

Both were horrific and the deliberate targeting of civilians in any war, real or fictional, should be considered wrong and horrific by any decent person’s moral standards.


Hah. I’m not the one pretending I don’t have an active account. At least Elesana is honest about still being subscribed.

I can show you my inactive status if you want to swap discord IDs. I’ve got nothing to hide about how trash this website runs.

I would not put you above Photoshopping screen captures, so I’m not sure what you think you could share on Discord would actually prove.


Pretty baseless assumption but hey you do you. If the truth can’t convince no point trying. I really hope Blizzard notices you bro keep the shilling going.

Someone told me that Pheandra tried to post without a subscription, and same as everyone else, got one post in and then couldn’t post any more. As we’ve see this several times, there’s no reason to believe you’re a special snowflake that has drifted through the cracks.

I’m not a special snowflake. Never claimed to be. My account just seems to slip through the cracks for some reason.

I don’t think anyone believes you.

They don’t have to believe me for it to be true.

And it doesn’t have to be true for you to claim it is so.

Because you still have a active account? Everyone else who quit, was able post at MOST one more time with a few quick edits before they couldn’t anymore. It’s okay to admit you’re still subscribed and just not playing much.


Honestly, I’d like to see Anduin do it.

If it were Genn or Tyrande, it would justify their hate, and would send them down a spiral or just end their story completely. If Anduin were to do it, it would be a moment of growth for him, and would be a matter of justice. He gave her a chance.

Anduin couldn’t kill an argument, let alone Sylvanas.


But isn’t it good for the Horde to have characters they can hate IC and for these characters to see their hatred justified?

I don’t see any downside to giving Tyrande/Genn the kill.

This is the dumbest thing I read today.

No offense. Well, maybe a little.