Who should land a killing blow on Sylvanas?


Those that want to kill her are too obvious. If it were Anduin, no one would see it coming, and it would be him taking up the weight of leadership. Being king means you do “what a king must do”. Anduin would deliver fair justice and a clean death, which - while it might anger those that want to kill and torture her personally - is his responsibility as king.

Alternatively, I used to say Nathanos, because I love a good Game of Thrones plot twist. But from what we’ve seen of him lately, it looks like he’s loyal to her, not the forsaken.

Gimme those rose-tinted glasses

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Justice is to be dealt by an outside party.
Revenge risks mistreatment out of hate, and turns into mob mentality.


Anduin isn’t an outside party. He’s a cardboard construct with no sense of justice.
I’d rather give basic campfire the job.


Its simple in my view have Tyrande and Genn do this. https://youtu.be/4xjnYAr96P8?t=54

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Not every plot has to be “unpredictable”, the death of Sylvanas by Tyrand’s hand would be predictable, but at this point it would really be a good ending for the whole situation.

Anduin is not the king of the night elves or the king of the gilneans. he is the king of stormwind and highking of the Alliance

Highking is only a military-leader, nothing more.

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Mm, I think there would need to be some very specific scenarios for this to work at all.

Say, if Sylvanas managed to arrange things so that she was fought/captured by Anduin because she had a secret escape plot which hinged on Anduin believing in her redemption too much to kill her - but then Anduin gives some sort of ‘sorry, I can’t put so many of my people’s lives at risk for a slim hope’ line and executes her, then maybe it could work. This and any other Anduin scenario would still annoy a lot of people, but I don’t think that’s avoidable with how the story played out up 'til now.

My personal vote is for Genn and Lor’themar (or Voss or a prominent Forsaken character) defeating Sylvanas in the normal world, and when she goes to activate her Jailer soul backup, Loa’jin and Night Warrior Tyrande destroy her on the Shadowlands level.


Whoever kills her, I want it to happen after she has been completely outplayed and taken by surprise. What I have always found the most annoying thing about Sylvanas is her whole 4D chess thing. The smug sneer on her face as she escaped Lordareon sapped any enjoyment from that scenario for me.


And what is more, the Fourth War is partly Anduin’s fault. Against the advice of Tyrande and Genn, he decided to host a party between humans and forsaken, so old relatives could meet. Some forsaken then wanted to join the Alliance, leading Sylvanas to kill them all, and the War of Thorns followed from there.

Anduin meant well, that is for sure, but his peace schemes ultimately set the war into motion. I would like to see a “I started this, I will finish it” scenario play out, Thrall and Garrosh style.

Still pulling for Delaryn. I want Delaryn to reaffirm her faith in Elune, and unlike the vengeful and hateful Banshee that Sylvanas was, I want Delayrn to be the compassionate, cold hand of death.

A distant and unceremonious dagger in Sylvanas’ heart, and a soft and mournful voice “I grieve for you.”


There is no act imaginable by any mortal mind to cruel a fate for Sylvanas. She could suffer an eternity and still not have suffered enough.

Maybe I’m misunderstanding but how would Tyrande or Genn killing Sylvanas at this point make any IC horde hate against them justified?

I think that’s been a horde-side problem this whole time. I don’t think you can have a justified hate against someone who only hates you because your side did something to them first. Even in Legion, when Genn attacks the horde, it’s a mix of “they believe they were betrayed (whoops that was retconned to be true!)” and “it’s actually good because Sylvanas was planning something bad after all”.


That and Sylvanas tried to assassinate him first and is only alive because his son jumped in the way to save him.

Sylvanas should kill sylvanas just to heck with everyone.

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You know you want this.