Who is your favorite wow character?

Tirion, Khadgar, and Thrall.

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Maybell Maclure…she is smoking hot.

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And lucky in love! I always did like their story. Glad they revisited them in WoD.

King Varian. RIP


Cairne and thrall in wc3 into classic. Did cairne lame and thrall is a boob now… Sad days.

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Pour one out for my warchief :pouring_liquid: At least he’s a loa now and my trolls can pray to him for his wisdom

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uh. Me!

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Yeah he’s not too bad either. Lol

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It used to be Sylvannas :dracthyr_cry_animated:


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<— This guy…

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Tirion Fordring. <3

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I miss him…why did they have to write him out of the big picture?

Probably Calder Gray. He’s made me snort-laugh more than once.

In Southern Barrens if you talk to him, the conversation goes something like this:

“You know what I like, Tovi?”
“No Calder, what do you like?”

Then when you see him again in the Twilight Highlands, he wants to use your body parts to make a new “beautiful angel” and you should smell this cloth he has that may or may not smell like chloroform.

No idea why they dropped a character as funny as him for someone lame like Voss.


It used to be Ysera but after she died and came back, it just hasn’t sat right with me.
It’ll always be Jaina Proudmoore tho. Hopefully she never gets the Sylvanas treatment. I was nervous for a second there…I mean she did get a mana bomb dropped on her and crap. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

The way Metzen talks about this saga tho…it could be anybody maybe. Idk. We’ll see


Cheerful Bran Bronzebeard.

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Garrosh, hands down. Unapologetic avatar of the horde, setup as a “villain”, but writers had to resort to hand wavy sha nonsense to try and smear his character. Then when that failed to make people hate him, resorted to tantrum deleting him in shadowlands.


I know it’s not one character, but I loved the Mograine family arc. Darion became one of my favorite characters with the Ashbringer comic series.

Arthas is always a character I like since he’s essentially Warcrafts Darth Vader. (Shoutout to Anubarak and KT the real bros to the LK.)

Sylvanas I always liked. SL really screwed the pooch on what motivated her to do everything until they came out with her book, which then made me go “ok I get it”. Still doesn’t make up for the shotty story telling for the game.

Tirion Fordring is another character I grew to love due to the books and his quest chain in the game.

While not a huge elf fan I do like Thalyssra and Lor’Themar.

Garrosh was a interesting villain.

Thrall used to be one of my favorite characters but started disliking the character when the Horde started falling apart and was like “not my problem.”


He has one of the coolest voice actors: Gideon Emery.

Usually does a lot of EA stuff so I’m glad Blizzard snagged him for us.


Believe it or not, I used to really like Sylvanas (don’t kill me!). Pre-Shadowlands of course. She was fun and interesting before they deep-sixed her.

I know some people are wishing for the downvote button to come back after reading that. :sweat_smile:


If you watch that metzen 1 on 1 video, he had an interesting response to a question at the end! :smiling_face:

Also could be nothing but it was a choice of words there for sure lol.

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