Who is your favorite wow character?

Just did Westfall on a lowbie. I commanded with her. BURN SENTINEL HILL TO THE GROUND!

lol I like how everything is like 6x worse by the time you leave westfall. There are a couple of alliance zones like that where everything just seems to fall apart when you get done with it. :joy:

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Funny you say this… back in Wrath I said I liked Saurfang and Varian wasn’t that bad a guy… both father figures to Anduin…both now quite dead… the curse may of started in Wrath too as I had to list off a top three for a thread back then but I think it was top three male characters and I had Cairne at the top of it

I miss Varian… I mean, he was almost never actually present as king, but I still thought his story was decent by WoW standards.
Speaking of which… Anduin really has a lot of father figures. Saurfang, Thrall, Genn, Velen… anyone else? Well, that’s probably enough. xD


Kinda glad I intentionally leave Genn off the favorites list… I fear what this curse might do to him. Also may of forgotten the vulpera leaders names so I don’t accidentally say them lol

This might sound harsh, but personally, I don’t think it would have made much of a difference at this point. They basically defanged him.
I mean, I’m okay with him agreeing with Anduin about wanting to bring some of the Forsaken back into the Alliance… as long as it’s those who genuinely want to return. But making all of Gilneas accessible to the Horde, who were responsible for the death of his son, countless subjects, and the city’s poisoning for years… um… :sweat_smile: And in the end, he’s handed over his city to his daughter anyway. So, I don’t know. I don’t think he’ll play a role anymore.

My favorite character is Allendor. You didn’t mention which kind of character.

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Nozdormu the time daddy.


Your own character definitely counts. People put a lot of love into them too.


Joncho, the Ink Trader.

I have no idea who that is haha

It’s worth a search on YouTube and about two minutes of your time.

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LOL okay I’m glad I watched that.

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who was the mana addict from Suramar?

he was funny… in an annoying way.

i’m disappointed he didn’t get more focus put on him.

I’m not sure, there were a lot of mana addicts :thinking:

I liked the guy that made all the portals with you in Suramar, he was cool.

Although I think the most popular mana addict was runas the shamed. Poor dude.

Anduin is probably mine, mostly because I have no connection to the Warcraft games, only WoW. And knowing that kid has grown up alongside the adventurers. How grim his story has been and the promise this new Expac brings with him. I find myself genuinely excited for a number of options on how his story plays out and look forward to being there with him in the end. Because, this is my personal belief, I can’t shake this feeling that Anduin and/or Thrall is going to die in this saga at some point. And I kinda hope it’s Thrall, but only because I don’t want to say Good Bye to Anduin. And because I don’t like Thrall :rofl::no_mouth:


The Lich King!


I don’t think I’m an expert in the lore of the WoW universe, but I do know some things and can form an opinion:

Varian Wrynn – At first, I played through the scenario of his death and self-sacrifice, and it made me want to cry. Then, I went to Icecrown Citadel as the Alliance, and it made me want to cry again. He embodies the concept of honor and a good king.

Khadgar – A funny guy who excels at everything. He gives off the impression of a good-natured person, and he has that vibe of a peacemaker or the voice of reason in a group of friends. He never gave me any negative feelings, and I often laugh at his jokes.

Thrall – In some ways, he is similar to Khadgar, but he leaves a more serious impression on me. His worldview, that all beings are equal (Alliance and Horde; at least that’s how it seemed to me), resonates with me. There isn’t a reasonable person who wouldn’t like Thrall, and no one can convince me otherwise.

Arthas/Illidan – To me, they are similar in some ways, yet they are different. I’ve always felt sorry for Arthas. Everyone condemns him for not resisting the darkness that overwhelmed him, but I’m sure that these same people lack even a shred of willpower or faith to resist the darkness themselves. This doesn’t justify his actions, but his transformation was no longer Arthas, not the person he once was. He was just a pawn in the situation. Illidan is also widely condemned and seen as an antagonist, though he did more than anyone else. Of course, using the enemy’s weapon to defeat the enemy inevitably leads to negative consequences for the individual, but that doesn’t negate his original motives. Without darkness, there can be no light.

Lorewalker Cho – I just sympathize with the character. He can’t be annoying.

I can’t help but mention that Sylvanas is a brilliantly written character, although I can’t stand her as a person. I can understand that she is not herself, that she was stripped of a part of who she is. Her actions are understandable and logical for someone who has been deprived of part of themselves. However, I will never forgive her for Teldrassil.

I used google translate* :smiley:


Chen and li li. would be nice to see them again. chen is old as hell now and li li is an adult now. i wanna see how much better they got at being monks since legion.


Fippy Darkpaw.

Oh wait …