Who is your favorite wow character?

My favorite WoW Character? Me.

Favourite character?

Dang, that’s a really long list. I have a multitude of favourites, from Orcus to Thrall and Varian, Anduin, Garrosh, Saurfang, so many more.

I have to say though that Durotan, Thrall’s father, is my #1 favourite even though he’s dead so Thrall would be 2nd.

Reason Durotan is, is because how they told his story. From a young orc who stayed with his mom til she passed to growing up and leading the Frost Wolf clan, getting married and having Thrall, his story could have been like anyone’s.

He was written very well and very relatable. I also really like Khadgar as he seems very relatable too.

I think that’s as close as I can come to picking an actual #1 favourite.
Durotan, because he was so well written.

Blizz did a good job on him.

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Arthas made a great Lich King. I’ve always been impressed by him, he’s part of the reason I rolled a DK.


Zovaal, Moonberry and Pelagos. Top tier characters.

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Oh, no doubt. He was a great hero and also a great villain. Blizz hit it out of the ballpark when they created him.


Yeah, I don’t like to think how his story “ended” as I didn’t like it.
I thought he deserved better. At least Garrosh went out as he’d lived.
So that was something.

  • One thing about Arthas that stayed consistent. Arthas was someone you didn’t want to cross. Not when he was a paladin and def not when he was LK.

I also think he was right in killing everyone in Stratholme. Sounds brutal but that’s what used to happen when disease ran rampant back in the day.

I’ve always really liked Jarod Shadowsong. Shame how little focus he gets in game.


Which is why I’m so grateful that when I took my hiatus from the game a few years ago, I missed that nonsense called Shadowlands.

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If you can avoid it, I’d suggest that. It was extremely disappointing and anti-climatic.

Just bad. I don’t often say that about this game but in this case, it fits.

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arthas, budd, flynn, that one undead whose name sounds like a dum butt.
hogger, brann bronzebeard.
harrison johnes, a few goblins, like that one surfer guy in the swamp area.

and probably alexstraza if she stops talking about friendship.


Khadgar. No one even nearly close.


My Goddess, Sylvanas.


Anduin & Shandris.

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And it’s not even close.

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My main. I like when she breaks the fourth wall.

Sylvanas before well BFA.

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mine was alleria windrunner. WAS.

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Don’t tell me you don’t like the new rl Karen Windrunner in TWW. xD

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i call her veressa karenmanager demander.


Sylvanas, Azshara, Vanessa VanCleef, Sassy Hardwrench, Lady Liadrin and Valtrois.

Definitely some uncommon picks in there