Who is your favorite wow character?

She needs to hug a bunny! RIGHT now!

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DrJ /10chars

Stares deeply at my own reflection… What were you saying?


Sylvanas :purple_heart:


Sylvannas, Anduin, Thalyssra, Gazlowe, Lady Moonberry and Millhouse Manastorm.




Merithra is a sweetie, I’m glad I was able to help her. I guess Kalecgos is kind of the same when you think about it.

I’m also partial to the amusing lunatics like Oculeth, Theotar, and Marileth.

The Accuser was pretty good, being willing to defy Denathrius to stay true to the purpose of Revendreth, and then sticking to that with Kael and showing what Revendreth is really for.

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Nomi and Runas

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absolutely unequivocally Zul’jin

(edit: though Runetotem does hold a special spot for obvious reasons)

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lady liadrin :fire:

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Vol’jin. So seeing him get underused stings a bit lol.

Other favs: Shaw, Flynn , Pelagos , Nathanos , Brightwing , Wrathion , Anduin , Bwonsamdi , Theotar , Marileth , Denathrius.

Those were just the ones that popped into my head the fastest

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Gallywix and Nathanos were my favorites because they were the only remaining characters who were fun and had personality.
I guess they weren’t bland enough for Danuser’s Red Alliance though so they both got the boot.


Sylvanas and Anduin. I’ve loved both these characters for 20 plus years now. (Sylvanas before WoW, and Anduin from 'Nilla when he was a wee lad running around Stormwind Keep asking about his father.)

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Dunno that I could pick a definitive favorite.

  1. Arthas.
    Great story/character arc/lore throughout WCIII and Wotlk but…
    then they ruined the end of his character arc/story in the shadowlands)
  2. Uther.
    Great story/character arc/lore in WCII and WCIII, but…
    then they ruined him in Shadowlands
  3. Sylvannas. Fantastic story/character arc/lore, but…
    then they ruined her starting in Legion and continued to do so in BfA and Shadowlands
  4. Lady Katrana Prestor. Such a driving, interwoven force throughout the entirety of the alliance story in classic, spanning hundreds of quests across various zones and dungeons. However, it’s time for to be dead and not keep finding ways to bring variants of her corpse/essence/spirt/soul/etc… back as a raid boss


Edit: Omg I forgot about Bwonsamdi. Bwonsamdi is my fav current that still exists

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High Commander Halford Wyrmbane, holy smokes, that guy’s voice is the absolute best.

I love Bwonsamdi… every time you died he mocks you.

Sylvanas, she has an amazing voice. Actually, I really like all the Windrunner sisters.


Jaina Proudmoore. Her character arc since wc3 has just been so good. She sincerely just wanted peace. She believed it so much that she even let her father die because saving him would have shattered the peace she was trying to build. So when Garrosh destroyed her city, her reaction and subsequent bloodlust felt so justified.

She has this line in the theramore scenario that is just seared into my brain.
“You spit on mercy? Then you will have none! You want carnage?! Garrosh will get more blood than he ever bargained for!”
I love it.

And let’s not forget her Warbringers video. The Daughter of the Sea. Absolutely amazing.


Lillian Voss, Gazlowe, Subject Nine, Haris Pilton, and Initiate Radiya.

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Nathanos, feel like I was one of the few that enjoyed him yelling at us in BFA.

Mathias Shaw and Flynn Fairwind. Was lauging at their banter at that quest before the Zuldazar raid. Probably favorite in game couple.

Thalyssra, Gazlowe, Lilian Voss, Nisha, Ebyssian.