Who is your favorite forum poster?

Well, Thallia is my most replied to poster, so I guess Thallia?

Edit: but Rita is my most liked based on my forum stats…so Rita? Who doesn’t love gnomes??

Along with Debbyfrowner, there is a Monk but I can’t remember their name…I have to look through the posts. There is also a Druid that I can’t remember (Not Thallia, I remember Thallia)

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Sounds like you should follow the advice of, “Think before you speak” lol

I dont like two sorts.

  1. stalkers. They get blocked immediately.
  2. those who cant admit theyre wrong and often turn into #1 in the pursuit of not admitting it.

Everyone else is liked by default. I dont think I have a favorite.


It used to have a more positive impact. I would argue today it most likely has a larger negative impact on literal survival.

While it was needed at some point in humanity’s evolutionary past, I see it as a flaw in modern life.

I should. But I have overly impulsive moments, and get caught up easily. Its why I dont delete posts (and not just talking about here). So I can shame myself at later dates.

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No one. I hate all of you. I’ll see you tomorrow.


I pretty much like everyone except the t-squad.
steals Grumbles’ cookies

I dislike people who will not accept french toasts’ spot over pancakes and waffles, since it the absolute best out of the three. No exceptions.

Ok, I dont really dislike them, but its still true.

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lol you say modern life, i say toxic cesspool where avoidance traits are still absolutely relevant

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Pancake lyfe.
does the pancake shuffle

Oh relevant. Sure. But I am talking more about specific survival.

Low self esteem, suicide rates, depression. All of this is sky rocketing today. The survival trait of “remembering best bad things that happened to you” plays into that more, than it helps a person literally survive. Which is where the base of my comments are coming from. Purely seeing it as a “survival trait”. vs a “I just wanna avoid certain people” trait.

French toast are just get battered bread!

And pancakes are just a waffle someone stepped on.

Waffles are just pancakes with syrup holders.

Crepes are a waffle someone stepped on a second time.

Any love for rigatoni?


Pancakes and waffles are just wet flour that you set on fire.

thats why waffles are better!
They trap the flavor in, instead of over eating it like pancakes!
french toast is still tasty tho, definitely better than pancakes.

its also got eggs, sugar, and you can cook stuff like chocolate, or fruit in it. (maybe pumpkin too)

What about Humanbeak? The Humanbeak speaks for us all~

“waffles are great as long as you add sugar, fruit, chocolate”

If you have to add a lot of great extras to it…maybe its not so great.

You just described most of cooking tbf

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There are a few who post things that make me laugh, those are memorable folks. Everyone on the level 3 Lounge are cool and friendly.

If people are respectful, even if they have a different opinion, I’m fine with them, not everyone likes the same things (heck, what an awful world if there was only vanilla ice cream, much as I love that flavor!)

that’s what its made out of!
im not saying add it!

jeez, way too overlook things.