Who is your favorite forum poster?

I was doing a little experiment today, where I am sick of the people in my life that have been playing mind games, and causing me grief, so I started to write a list of everyone in my life that had never once been at all nasty to me or caused me any grief, and I have a secret…

Surprisingly, there are quite a lot of fellow players that have made the list, and even have some regular forum posters on my nice list, Cyndilou is one person that comes to mind that made it to my little nice list,

Let’s have some positive energy people here people, which forum goers do you think are decent people?


the bad apples are mostly all on the pvp side of things. if you just pve the community is pretty decent ngl


Everyone is cool to me :sunglasses:


Hmm, I have found that most people are nice on line and off line but you have to think about it but the nasty people stand out so it will warp your view of things. I learned that tanking instances as a pug…rarely ran into a bad person. Ran into some groups that were not so skilled or geared but the few horror stories I have I remember well and the 1000s of good times I have to think about.

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I don’t know. I frequently read some pretty terrible stuff here.

We are not kind to each other.


That’s a flaw of the human brain at times to remember bad experiences so vividly


I haven’t been here long enough to dislike anyone personally. You’re all cool in my book, until you’re not. I’ve played some other MMOs where the fanbase is a lot worse than anything I’ve ever seen in WoW.

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(waves hello to Lilithia and gives her a cookie!)



i believe its a survival mechanism not a flaw.


It’s horrible. I’d name some decent folks, but that’s a callout.


the in game community is about 30000x better than the forum community

i’m pretty sure most of the frequent posters here don’t even really play the game lol some of the opinions they have about it (especially about group content) seem right out of 2012.


/cast Mind Control
/Jump off cliff

Agree Cyndilou is great. And Grumbles has good cookies


I tease everyone equally

Yes, but that’s a little bit on Blizzard. They don’t make PVP something non-PVPers will get into.

Except for the dozen or so on my iggy list, I love you all! :heart_eyes:


I’m always friendly towards gnomes who hand out cookies.


the community is fine. i’ve had a very few negative experiences in game and a ton of good ones.

there’s nobody on the forums i dislike enough to be able to think of their name off the top of my head, for whatever that’s worth!


WoW community is pretty bad, but its on the mend.
I can honestly say its gotten much better in the past few years with some changes. A lot of the more toxic elements seem to be moving on.

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Got my gf to level up a rogue for the first time on Horde. Was doing TBC dungeons for leveling and i guess she had low dps. So someone tried to vote kick her for potentially being a bot due to low dps. Luckily the vote kick didn’t go through. I warned who ever did it that she was new to rogue and if they did kick her i would mass pull and leave the group as tank. People really piss me off.


I enjoy stirring the pot on the forums but honestly in game I’m pretty chill. I just sit there, do my job, say gg and leave the group.