Who is your favorite forum poster?

Outside of some gaslighting folks, I think a lot of people here are swell! Wow!

Also, Grumbles, did you know cookie crumbs go great with ice cream? It’s a perfect combination! :icecream:

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I have so many that I can’t even list because I’d be afraid to forget someone.


oh that’s right, I remember you Feyree you were nice but sorry I forgot about you

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So title changed, so now I must give an updated response.


I don’t have a favorite. All kinds of neat folk I tend ta see round these parts.

I really enjoy 99% of the posters here.! I know I may rub some people wrong but I’m usually just messing around when I am being sarcastic. Its just friendly “bustin onions” with pals rather than anything meant in a mean spirit. I’m really sorry if I have ever made anyone feel unappreciated. :heart_eyes:


I am my fav poster

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You lack the emotional intelligence to realize that your perspective isn’t necessarily right or wrong. It is nothing to do with the other posters. You like what you like for your reasons. You consistently apply strawman logic to all who disagree with you, but that goes nowhere. Those who disagree with you have their own perspective that is just as developed and reasoned as yours. The problem isn’t really the game systems, the problem is the contention between those who prefer different game systems. If there is not adequate systems for both sides, the contention grows, and the game declines.


Lets get a merry gathering goin kinsmen.


Really? i’d say there’s more vitriol and general unpleasantry in GD than there is on Arena forums lol

Yeah my favorite posters are those who meme and joke around or post funny youtube clips. Life doesnt have to be serious all the time


This could be a great question.
However, for me, I don’t think I’ve ever looked at the names of any poster. On a rare occasion, then things seem odd, I might look at number of postings.

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I don’t know if I have a favourite, just some people I tend to agree with more often than not, and a few who’s opinions I don’t value at all.

I mean i have had some hot takes/heated exchanges but i always try to be positive and end an exchange on a positive note. Like a recent paladin and i who ended a disagreement with a middle ground agreement. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

I think you misspoke. It’s not a flaw. It’s a survival trait.


It can be both

I am my own favorite poster


i dont want to call people out its against the rules

nah its talons my favorites

I am definitely not mine. I don’t end up liking 1/2 the stuff I say after the fact.

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grumbles dont give foxmoon too much!
they’ll get a tummy ache from all that sugar!


Fair. I’ll take a literal survival over social survival any day, though. Society is overrated