Who is your favorite forum poster?

I try to be nice where I can. Pugged a lower today on my Druid and the warlock didn’t seem to know the maiden fight. We wiped it up and I explained it and we killed her. I don’t see the point in being a jerk in a lower key because now they know for when they get higher. Yelling and throwing a tantrum doesn’t make it clear any faster.

In game I’d say I’m decent, on the forums I try to keep my cool but sometimes I do throw some snark. Positivity never hurt anymore, though.


/running pounce
“Awww… I like you too!”
/happy giggle


I :heart: Grumbles and Cindylou, they are so friendly and lovable!

Now I am too bold and I often say whatever I’m thinking. Unfortunately, that doesn’t make me a very good friend. I also perma-ignore people all the time for little things which is also probably not great for making friendships.

Also in this thread, to help with my memory, I think I’ve always liked seeing posts from Swarf, DebbyFrowner (partially because I am always in a good mood when I see their funny name), or Nui.


I hate all of you just as equally


I tend to get snarky sometimes but I don’t actively dislike anyone on the forums or in game. Sometimes there is behavior or opinions I roll my eyes at but that’s it.

(Not counting extreme cases of verbal abuse in game, I think we all know that’s bad)

If you mind your own business, most people area also minding their own business. If you want to do group content, it’s a crapshoot.

Begs for cookie :pleading_face:


I appreciate Dilly and Bluster. :dracthyr_love_animated:

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Your new xmog looks like Elton John


Something nice from the beta. Sometimes you get folks that don’t speak english. People in the beta are way more likely to just use something like google translate to try and dance around the language barrier.

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Eh, everyone is fine by me. Go with the flow, have a good time, perhaps a decent conversation or two, and should I manage to make someone have a good laugh then the day is a good one.

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Yeah, but it won’t do to go around shouting it out like that.
Could attract unwanted attention, you see.

I think most people get that it’s just a game and folks are just trying to have a little fun. But i still don’t feel a need to add to my btags since it seems some people can get too nosey about not-game stuff.

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Wow, this really sums it up well.

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(sneaks Foxmoon a cookie or six)



I can name one.

They haven’t posted in a long time though so maybe they’re gone.


This seems like a good time for another “Who is your favorite forum poster” thread. Make it so! :heart_eyes:



Changed thread title to suit.

celebrate, of course!


I do enjoy trying to figure out what they are saying and its usually a decent point hidden within the jibberish. :sweat_smile: