Who is Warcraft’s *Worst* Villain?

Fizzle Brassbolts

I don’t know about the horde guys but for the alliance, it’s definitely “Fizzle Brassbolts,” the worst villain ever. He is this gnome engineer guy that made all those submarines at Nazmir incursion final stage.

I’m going to have to add a vote for Sylvanas. We are led to believe she fiercely rejects the scourge and her killer, and is just trying to carve out a space for her forsaken people in bleak circumstances.

But surprise, I was evil all along. Daddy issues maybe?

Deathwing, IMO.

Not because of his backstory, but because of how bad Cataclysm was and how they just ruined his character by making him pop up constantly with one-liners. It got old, quick.

Anything Alliance~

Sylvanas. She done GOOFed!

I think it’s safe to say that because of the way the game is designed, no villain can ever truly live up to the hype preceding them.

Imagine we had a long protracted war with the Iron Horde in which we barely survived and left both factions depleted and devastated. Then the legion invades at full force and we are supposed to believe that not only do we fight off their invasion, we turn around and invade their seat of power to defeat them once and for all.

And we still have enough left over to immediately declare all out war on each other while simultaneously helping our new allies sort of their own problems.

To say it is a stretch of the imagination is quite an understatement, but without constant threat or conflict there is nothing to drive the story and game forward.

So I try not to judge a villain anymore on their effectiveness or efficiency at their villainy, but how much entertainment value they provide. And by that standard, only a few stand out for their impact on the story. Arthas of course is the gold standard. Garrosh would be next for me, and then Gul’dan and Deathwing.

So I would say, outside a small handful of bad guys, most of them are pretty forgettable and even the good ones have to do dumb, incompetent things for the sake of gameplay.


I agree, the iron horde was a pathetic villain.

Most WoW villains are one note, generic, disposable and monologue way too much. The worst for me are Deathwing, Sylvanas and Zul.

Sargeras. He’s the main villain, but a conflicted one. Reminds me of Thanos. Wants to rid of the universe and create a new one. Sargeras wants to destroy life so the void won’t benefit.

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The writers!



Seriously, how do you people find these threads.

Forum search function


You know, the stuff a considerate person uses to avoid spamming a topic.


Yeah, honestly… you can’t get much worse than the Iron Horde.

These guys are Wasted Potential 101.

The Old Gods: The definition of insanity. Literally.

C’thun got beat down the moment he showed up. Yogg-Saron got beat down the moment he showed up. And finally, N’Zoth got beat down the moment he showed up.

They keep doing the same thing expecting different results. They show up, corrupt some stuff, then everyone unites against them and beats their faces in. N’Zoth literally watched us kick his brothers to death and then pops out of the ground like, “Hah! But I’m free! And this time, things’ll be differ- Oh no! I am defeated. How could I not have foreseen this outcome!?

The Old Gods are World of Warcraft’s stupidest and worst villains because they do the same thing expecting something to change.

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Sure, but two years is well past the expiration date of forum spam.

It’s always funny to see the big necros like these. On the one hand you have people who say “use the forum search function”. Then on the other you have the thing about necros. I wonder if it’s because when you boil it all down, literally anything anyone can think of to post has already been posted before and if we all decided to utilise pre-existing threads, this forum would come to grinding and permanent halt.

Food for thought.

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You guys remember the part of Halls of Reflection where you have to fight to escape before ARTHAS just completely obliterates your party?

That’s the kind of cool shift we need back in dungeons. The whole build up to ICC was incredible.

Nowadays we have (mostly) seemingly disjointed dungeons that don’t seem to lead to anything endgame. Legion did a decent amount of build up, but as far as I can remember, that’s about it. And BfA did build up in the most boring way possible.

That being said, Deathwing wasn’t near as “catastrophic” as he was touted to be, and was overall very disappointing.

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Definitely ion. He seems to have made it his goal to ruin wow and is truly the worst villain


Have to agree with you on this. We should have lost to N’Zoth & probably to Yoggy Sar Sar.