THIS in a nutshell. lol
The Burning Legion would have been so much more threatening and interesting if they had kept the invasions from the Legion pre-patch event going throughout the expansion. Imagine 3-6 invasions taking place throughout the day and can appear in any zone from any continent. And just like the prepatch you could have characters unique to each zone that get featured.
Sargeras stabbed the planet.
Here are two I can name.
Xavius, High councilor to Queen Azshara turned into the Lord of the Satyrs by Sargares and Emerald Nightmare Lord. The one who killed Ysera.
Fandral Staghelm, Archdruid of the Flame, Majordomo of the Firelands. The one who planted Teldrassil.
The horde honor was ruined by thrall fyi…
Oh. In that case, Edwin Vancleef. He was so bad as a villain his daughter had to do the dirty work for him in Cataclysm.
the development team
Garrosh was the worst. He was scared of his own shadow until Thrall told him his father was a hero, then suddenly he’s a world destroying racist? Just a ridiculous arc and I could never take him seriously. They had to pump him up with an old god corruption before he was even worthy of a raid boss.
Anub’arak? He didn’t do much…
I still haven’t made a decisION yet and I would have to go as far back as LegION to find a worst villaION for WoW
Introduced shark jumping time travel narratives.
And it chooses to identify as a gnome.
Illidan, honestly. Easily the most incompetent character in WoW.
This lol what a poor excuse for Villains! We walked all over them with no effort! They turned out so bad they had to bring the legion in to step up for them.
The person who necro’d this from two years ago.
Night Elves. Always Night Elves. They are reckless in all lore.
The answer is Void Lords.
Can I say Deathwing? I love Deathwing and thought he was awesome, but he got beat at every corner. all he did was fly over zones and kill players.
I know the forum software says two, but 2019 is not two years ago. O_O I know Math instructors like rounding up fractions to the closest whole number, but damn. Feb of 2019 is 1 and a half years ago.
My answer to the OP is… Math. Math keeps you on your toes, but everyone hates it.
I have to admit, that despite I didn’t like this expansion much, one aspect of the story I did like was Sylvanas. I think she made one of the most threatening villains that WoW has seen to date. I mean, you have to be pretty sinister to have even your own faction and followers questioning the morality of your decision making. As the opposing faction, I found that threat to be particularly intimidating because of that. What’s the old saying? If your friends are even scared of you, then I would hate to be your enemy…
Warcraft’s worst villain is Pathfinder, it’s cost them millions