I’m not talking about “joke” villains that inconvenience your life like Nomi or some tough guy bandit that waits for you at the end of a cave. I’m talking about the villains that you were meant to take seriously, the villains that drove the plot of an expansion, patch, or quest line.
For me, the answer to that is Mal’ganis. Totally one of the most incompetent of blundering fools that has ever walked the surface of Azeroth. Despite his job being the jailor of the Lich King, he instead followed all of his orders to the very letter, was promptly disposed of once he served his purpose, and had the audacity to actually be surprised about it. Then he popped up in Wrath to plot his revenge that… never happened. Popped up in Legion to act all tough on the broken shore and then do nothing ever again.
And the most unfair thing of all is that despite all this incompetence, he still ends up as one of the last surviving Dreadlords post-Legion.
Guess the meek shall inherit the earth, eh?
The Iron Horde.
Quickly repelled their ‘invasion’ of Azeroth and completely humiliated them as soon as we went through the Dark Portal. We even built bases all over their planet and laughed the whole time while doing it.
Activision by far they want to destroy all that is good in Azeroth.
Isn’t it obvious? Sylvanas.
Shoutouts to Kael’thas, who was so crushed by his loss at Tempest Keep that he eventually came down due to a drugged fistfight. Sad. Also he got clucked by Arthas.
Ol’ Emma. She is just biding her time for the murder of her son’s. Not once but twice.
She single-handedly ruined the Horde’s honour and is asking to be taken down by pretty much everybody except for her Forsaken. She’s definitely a dummy, crazy, or both.
Good question.
I thought Dentarg was wasted in WoD… especially if you compare his accomplishments to his MU counterpart. I was actually sad at how pathetic his appearance was.
He was so forgettable, I bet a lot of people didn’t even realize who they killed.
I had a hard time taking Arthas’ appearances seriously for most of Northrend since he’d pop in, say something vaguely-evil, then disappear again. If he came out of a 6’ tall painting of a knight instead of his death gate he’d be a Scooby Doo villain.
Sylvanas. All she’s done is lose battle after battle due to either incompetent or absentee leadership. Saurfang’s arrival in the War of Thorns was the only reason she not only won, but survived at all. Then she lost at Lordaeron, never showed up when it mattered all over Zandalar and we lost the campaigns against the sethrak that released Mythrax and the blood trolls that unleashed G’huun. Now, even though heroes banded together in the eleventh hour to drive the Alliance away, Zuldazar has been sacked, the Zandalari navy is destroyed, and their king is dead. Meanwhile, she’s been cackling to herself safely away from all danger and consequences.
She’s been shown to be laughably evil, butchering fallen goes, executing underlings to make a point, burning her own city, annihilating friendly troops, and ordering the assassination of those who don’t share her views. And she’s never even around, except on occasions where she’s entirely safe. Arthas, Deathwing, and even Garrosh were present for all their capers, right in the thick of it. And when Garrosh is a better villain, you know you’ve screwed up.
Can’t argue with any of this, dunno how I overlooked them.
Though I think many of us prefer to pretend that WoD just doesn’t exist.
Hahaha, indeed, good sir!
I forgot to mention that they even got all hopped up on fel blood at the end and summoned the Legion and we still thwarted them.
The current development team would be the worst villains that there ever has been or will be in WoW.
Semper Fi! 
What I hate most about the Iron Horde is what it destroyed regarding Orc lore.
Much of the Orcs’ story revolves around them attempting to atone for their “savage” past and forge a new future in a world that refuses to forgive them for it. A lot of it worked because it was easy to blame the influence of the fel and the Legion for much of what happened.
Then WoD comes along and Grom and Garrosh create an entirely new timeline of orcs, completely untouched by demonic corruption, that go ahead and invade Azeroth anyway. WoD could have been a chance to show us what the Orcs would have been had the Legion been told to stuff it, but instead it retread the exact same path as the first and second war.
Like, the hell?
Original Gul’dan.
For being “Darkness Incarnate”, and being a legitimately good villain up till the end of the 1st War, he gets one hell of a humiliation conga up until he’s torn apart for double-crossing both The Old Horde and The Burning Legion.
Alternate Gul’dan on the other hand…
But Koramar and Zoggosh did think good, or one of them at least 
Yeah I liked alternate Gul’dan a lot. He was so delightfully cartoonish but he had the intellect and skills to back up his threats, which made him quite intimidating at points. That… uh… scene with Varian on the Broken Shore is still haunting.
Original Gul’dan we never really had a chance to get to know, but considering lore states he was just torn to shreds by demons in the Tomb of Sargeras due to his own greed while the war against the Alliance waged elsewhere, it’s probably safe to say I wouldn’t have thought much of him.
That made me absolutely bananas. I rolled an Orc Shaman in vanilla based off of Thrall and Grom’s redemption story from WC3.
My character and his culture that I’ve been RP’ing for the past decade plus is all a sham, lol.