Who is the earth mother?

you can address me directly like the big girl you are. Highschool antics are cute, but most of us abandon them after we graduate.

Get your lore together, or stop trying to lecture people on it. Thanks~

The problem is we understand the Titans now so they needed bigger mysterious celestial creator(s). I don’t really mind the what it is the how that really was hot garbage. Whoever conceptualized Zereth Mortis needs to be taken off WoW lore and put on Starcraft or Overwatch or some other sci-fi project. The ideas aren’t bad they are just bad for a world like Warcraft where “magic” and not “science” should be the answer to “how does it work?”

They are not implied that way, they are shown full on that way. We have nothing else to alter our views on said things. They only have been shown doing evil things to us. lol

snit fit much? so you differ on what is or isn’t true. We are each allowed our own take on the matter. Also definition of rebirth here for ya: The process of being reincarnated or born again: “the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth” . so yeah rebirth deals with life.

It is almost like Blizzard has pulled lore out of their butt and retconned it to fit those square pegs into round holes.

Steve D, bro.


I dont wanna sit here and lecture people on things like this, but again, you’re wrong.

You need to stop viewing everything as “good and evil”. Every cosmological force is both good and evil, via their separate goals:

  • Light wants to convert all
  • Void wants to corrupt all
  • Life wants to spread uncontrolled
  • Death wants to kill all
  • Chaos wants to destroy all
  • Order wants to control all

Only in balance do these forces lean on the side of “good”. Constantly opposing each other via WAR is what keeps them in balance

AKA, the World of WARcraft.

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Really, they don’t. The issue is that these writers think it has to be that way. There are ways to make things interesting without getting higher and explaining away all mystery. That’s what makes some things bad. Like midichlorians.

Not really, no. Light is very (ignore the pun) black and white. When a prophecy is interpreted, there are no other interpretations, that singular one must be it. No deviation, no grey area, nothing.

Void, on the other hand, gives multiple paths to multiple answers. Everything is a grey area. It’s chaotic compared to Light’s straightforward simplicity.

Neither is evil or good, right or wrong. Just… opposites.

For now, at least.

I honestly don’t know where that person is getting this whole “they switched sides” thing from, though. No one ever said that. Counterpart doesn’t equate to “I switched sides!” :dracthyr_shrug:


Get off your high horse and stop your ‘lecturing’. What works for you won’t work for everyone else all the time.

Personally I think Azeroth is the Earth Mother. For this game anyhow.

With the cinematic Bonelord posted, that’s a very high probability. I just don’t know how that ties into Mu’sha and An’she.

Its a shaman named Oprah Windfury

She even has a talk show. Shes rich

The earth mother is most likely in reference to Azeroth herself.

The Pantheons are all robots now.

Apparently nobody did anything wrong in the cosmos drama.

An’she is a bird spirit. She is regarded more like a guide for those seeking a new home.

An’she is the Sun God, twin brother to Mu’sha.

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that’s funny male maybe but I’ve seen An’she as a spirit bird. somewhere on youtube I think. or a cut scene.

If I understand it correctly, and I’m not positive I do, the Earth Mother is Azeroth herself. They just recently revealed Azeroth is a Titan so…it would make an odd kind of sense. If someone knows something to the contrary I’m curious to hear it.

Eh, not entirely true.

This Zereth-crud is certainly moronic, but it doesnt tell us how that relates to our Titans waking up in literal planets via being a world soul. Azeroth isn’t a robot either.

The Pantheon of Death we see in The Shadowlands may not be the real one - it might of been another form of control/order via our Titans who have an obsession controlling everything, including the concepts of life and death. Oribos is described as a “titan-engine” for example, and the Brokers say there’s many of those engines throughout the cosmos. Plus we already know our Titans created the Emerald Dream, which is just the opposite of The Shadowlands.

The First Ones might just be a synonym for our Titans.

It’s possible some YouTuber represented him as a phoenix or something? I’m not sure.

trying to remember where I saw it. it was a white spirit eagle.