Who is the earth mother?

I’m afraid she’ll end up being a robot with these writers

Azeroth is the dreamer ,she the creator in the mist of time,the elements are her tools of her fashioning ,basically,you are her dream stuff.

As for Elune ,she is her daughter.< not a lore canon,just saying.

The earth mother is ‘mother earth.’

The Void itself in disguise; it’s a trap!

or a mother that is made of earth. A very dirty girl indeed.

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Do we want to take anything Baine says as fact though? He’s just so dumb.

Hmm I think you might be misremembering. An’she is the sun god that Blizzard likes to forget exists.

According to Baine in the cinematic where he hands Derek over to Jaina. He refers to Azeroth (the titan) as The Earth Mother. So my guess it is Azeroth herself. Which I mean fits. As a world soul creates a planet around them to act as a shell.

He does have a case for it. Azeroth the planet was made by Azeroth the Titan to act as a shell so she could grow and mature ‘unharmed’.

Like what were you expecting? A super AI that could terraform a planet?

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(kind of because Baine really is stupid)

your mom cause she takes up the whole earth

Probably referring to Azeroth and shouldn’t be taken as literally a goddess.

Aren’t jokes meant to be funny?

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Yo momma so fat the Tauren revere her.


Not always. Ever called someone a joke or heard someone say “you’re a joke?” In that context it’s an insult.

I’m beginning to think the titans wouldn’t seeking their bros in the universe as siblings ,if they were why let Sargaras release Argus to early to his pain?

Why do we believe in anything? Tauren believe in the Earth mother ,which there is one in deepholm,but beyond that there would have to be some facts Taurens would know of that we don’t. All beliefs are based on these from witnessing it,so if Azeroth be chance talked to the Tauren then that is the base of the belief.

Probably a First One.

Maybe,Azeroth is the first child??

With all that reference to eyes, probably just a void lord…maybe a giant galactic size robot vacuum cleaner with a gazillion tubes

Once we reach critical threshold, we get cleaned

:night_with_stars: :milky_way: :dragon: :night_with_stars: :milky_way: :dragon:

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Probably Azeroth unless Azeroth’s world soul turns out to be the missing seventh force that holds all the other forces together.

Captain Planet’s mom.

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unknown. hw went out for smokes and beer…