Who is planning to jump ship?

Why would I leave WoW for an inferior game? I will stay in WoW for as long as it remains fun.


already been playing 14 for years, i only come back to WoW when it sounds fun to play, but that’s happening less and less. only lasted a few days this time before i got bored of it

is it just the same person every day making these threads? lol

ffxiv is boring, that’s why every time Ive played it, I’ve quit. last time, for good


I’m not “jumping ship”. But I’m also not logging in unless I really feel like it and want to, which these days isn’t that often. As I get older, I realize that my free time is too valuable to me to spend it on activities that I don’t enjoy.


i respect your wrong opinion

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I play both games but more and more I find myself spending more time on FF14. Blizzard seems to be actively attempting to kill off their game with the decisions they’ve been making lately and ignoring feedback while we’re basically paying them to beta test their sloppy work.

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I haven’t spent much time with Witch Doctor, I really should at some point. I may do another Wizard or maybe a Monk since I haven’t played that for several seasons.

I have already jumped ship. Not playing and sub is running out. Hanging on forums cause it’s a bad habit I guess. Though not here as much as I use to be either and once sub is done I’m out of even here. I didn’t leave for FFXIV I’m playing another game and very happy. I played FFXIV for about a year. I don’t do group content ever! That game is so friendly to new comers and helpful I did group there and only ever there. It was nice. I left because I hated the crafting system a lot. I also just slowly lost interest.

i do this as i please. Sometimes WoW sub is inactive though, sometimes FFXIV sub is inactive, sometimes both are inactive, sometimes both are active.

Witch Doctor has some awesome skills like the big piranha aoe pool! I havejt spent much time at all on Monk and have been thinking about it for D3’s next season

Yes, Heretodie, Titanspite knows best. You are wrong. You love slogging through 100s of hours of boring quests and slow combat. It’s your favorite.


FF14s endgame just doesn’t do it for me. Fantastic art and music as expected of Square Enix, but Blizzard has never really slouched in that area, “despite all it’s other failings,” so it won’t win me over with that.

If the balance and development teams had half the talent the art and sound guys do, WOW would have 15 million players.

Been there, done that, playing WoW TBC

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Playing it right now.

As opposed to getting pushed into a story I don’t care about and have no stakes in no matter how much the writers express how important everything around me is?

Much rather would have the slower, more grounded experience where I actually build myself up to prominence through the story rather than have it get forced onto me because of expansion over-bloat.

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have to love the level squish and watch all that hard work get wiped out…

I actually didn’t mind the level squish. I felt like it was 100% necessary because the way the leveling worked up to Shadowlands was just completely unsustainable.

I hated the idea of being forced to go through Outland and Northrend after going through the updated Cataclysm leveling experience. It just completely ruined any sense of consistency the game would have had, and no amount of “Bronze Dragonflight Timey-Wimey” explanations could fix it. Why force me to go through content that is largely irrelevant and no longer receiving any updates while the starting experience, level progression, and the end of the game is constantly changing?

At least with Final Fantasy, everything is consistent from beginning to end. Very little changes are made to the beginning because…any changes made would be difficult to do simply due to how the game was developed. A lot of people see this as a flaw, but then you have to compare it to how WoW did it with Catalcysm–where you have the updated 1-60 experience, but then have to go back to older expansions for 60-80 in order to go back to the updated content through to 85. The level squish fixed this by allowing players the choice of going through whatever expansion they wanted.

The problem comes with its implementation and what it means for new players to WoW. You get marooned on some distant island as a low-level grunt in your faction’s military and have to run a few errands. Two hours later you’re suddenly forced into a major plotline with characters who treat you as if they knew you for such a long time even though you’d never met them before. For the Alliance, you go to Kul’tiras with someone you barely know who faces consequences you don’t fully understand because you were never given that context beyond just a voice blurb in the throne room. If you had never played Warcraft III or read any of the supplementary offline material you wouldn’t understand what’s going on.

Or like how you serve as the right hand as the Horde Warchief (who is for some reason an Undead Banshee that you don’t know) after being rescued from this far-off island and then have to go off on some covert mission with their male counterpart who gets off on berating you for some reason to rescue some trolls you don’t know, meet some Orc you never heard of who feels bad for himself, and then go to some island country that you only ever heard about.

New players are not given the same context that veterans players do. They don’t know what’s going on and the game doesn’t tell them. Hence why Blizzard’s story presentation is much worse than Final Fantasy XIV’s.

At least with FFXIV–yeah, you’re starting as some low-skill adventurer with very little to their name, but the story builds you up from the get-go to be the main protagonist–and it remains consistent from beginning to end.

I started playing FF11 online, its been years… and yes its still around I also play FF14.

I agree its a race to endgame and world first raid downs… no time to build and feel part of the story.

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Seems like both games offer similar things.

The only person who is going to think he needs redemption is Anduin, you’re absolutely right. He’s going to feel guilty for not being strong enough to fight the domination (no one can, he’s a victim, but won’t see himself as such).

FFXIV is a pretty good game for those times when you get burnt out on WoW. More story-driven and the devs actually care about the player base. But I feel like a battered woman with WoW. They hit and kick me but I can’t stop loving them.

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