Who is planning to jump ship?

The abuse cycle… Very good comparison. It used to treat us so good and then one it found it drug(money money) and it can’t stand but be abusive to get more…

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I jumped.

Combination of reasons.

  • I’d been doing the dailies in wow for months out of habit without actually enjoying any of the content.
  • I normally liked raiding but realized that for the last few raids I’ve been bored and just tired of the experience. The one thing that normally excited me (cool transmog sets) wasn’t there.
  • I stopped mythic+ running last expansion as it felt like an endless treadmill.
  • Anima etc felt increasingly like bad mobile content designed to get me to keep playing. Same with the 6 month sub.
  • A feeling that all of the content was being written by high end players for high end players. E.g. mythics, rated pvp and mythic raiding. I’ve done those but… man… they’re a grind.
  • And most importantly - a growing sense that the company regarded me as a locked in user, someone who’d never leave no matter how little content they created or what they did to my spec or anything I cared about in game.

FF felt like a breath of fresh air. Obviously a new world with its own share of problems (especially early on) but it’s gotten more and more enjoyable the longer I played it. I love the story, love the way the classes I play perform (I mainly heal and have had a lot of fun doing so), and find the dungeons and raids have gotten better and better as I’ve approached end game. I like how you can just potter around. I like how everything they put in the game is still relevant in one way or another. It’s a VERY solid game.

But also? (and this was the real thing that made me jump) I like how the devs behave. I like how they’re open with the fans. I like seeing them on stage obviously caring about each other’s well being. I feel that they want to make money, sure, but they also want to make something great.

I don’t feel that about Blizzard any more.


I agree with you so much…

I been playing FF14 and FF11( yes it still has a player base and a 20year anniversary coming up)

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It’s been interesting seeing people try it out (I mean… me included. I started about 2 months ago after a few guildies had pleaded with me for ages to try it ^^).

I think FF has a few problems but most of those are front loaded. The Website and buying the game desperately needs streamlining. It’s a terrible, off-putting process. I also think once you’re in, it’s easy to get confused and retreat back to WoW. It does things a bit differently and it’s easy to hit a city, get confused, hate the map and log off. The voice acting early on is also god awful and the opening zones feel pretty barren. They could do with an art revamp.

A lot of the ‘I tried it’ in this forum feels like they got to this point or, worse, did what you should do in WoW and pay for a boost.

That said? Lordy does it get better. I think the only people I wouldn’t recommend it to are those who play MMOs for the pvp and those who really hate story.

But I get that switching games often feels like switching apps. Every fibre of your being screams ‘retreat!’ when you try to do something you could in your original one and can’t.

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I love the RPG more then the PVP… WOW for me has turned into a toxic esport monster. The way things are going its just overwatch with a WOW theme…

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Primeval, come to the Dark Side. Come to the Classics …

<dry, dusty laugh>

I have played TBC for a little… Just not feeling it like it was back in the day… :frowning:

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I’m not a classic player… but I always wondered if people would be as excited by TBC classic. I mean… it’s still there, by and large. The classes are different and there’s the excitement of doing old content again at that level but if you want to visit a zone or do a quest? 99% (bar some achievement stuff) is available to modern players.

Which kind of dampens interest in seeing it rebuilt? I assume?

No, the version available in retail is not TBC.

Well, not exactly. But its a lot closer to TBC that existed back in the day than modern vanilla content compared to pre-cata content.

If you’d come to wow after that, a huge chunk of content and zones are just gone - so there had to be a lot of curiosity seeing what the Barrens, etc actually looked like (or how AQ opening worked).

I was playing WoW full time but just switched to Final Fantasy a few days ago.

I started playing also, FF 11 was curious about it still being alive

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