Who is normal raiding for anymore?

I see no indication from looking at her armory that this is the case.

How could I not “get” that you spewing hatred toward the overwhelming majority of players who you said were inferior to you and “quitters” was “just a joke, man”?

Maybe don’t spew hate and expect people to think you’re joking?

What are you even talking about? I was being sarcastic because a large number of people seem to think that you can beat normal players into performing better by making them miserable. You seriously need to step back for a second. I literally have not done a single raid outside of LFR this whole expansion and my best key this patch is a +4.


I wasn’t referring specifically to the person I was replying to, but there are people on these forums who are like that, they will do an M25 3 chested and be like “This game is easy” and fail to realise that’s like top 1% of the population or better, than call us all bad.

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It’s not zero reason. If you don’t have 4 set right now, you’re not behind a typical end game player, thus you don’t need catchup yet. This early, having 4set is the outlier. 6 weeks is an estimation of how long after the raid launches you’d expect the players who have been actively clearing to be finishing 4 sets on the majority of the raid, at which point it makes sense to enable the catchup.

And yet every expansion people say, “This time Blizzard will learn! This time they’ll listen and turn things around!”

Hope springs eternal. So does ignorance.

No. Normal should be a progression experience for this crowd. Doable, but not a free win. LFR is for if you’re looking for a participation trophy.

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I think you should be able to get the anima gear from ZM and go right into the raid and do good. It’s a weekly lockout for 250 gear.

I just think the difficulty is unnecessary. But my opinions on raiding will differ from other people. Heroic and mythic staying difficult sounds right but normal should be for fun

Imagine thinking all of this is what should be required for a normal raid.

Getting 252 from cypher (same item level as raid)

Farming mythic+

Farming LFR

For normal…


It’s not, unless you want to ignore mechanics.

Well Ion did say that the game is centered around mythic dungeons and raids. If not doing those well the content is not for you.

That’s why I haven’t even bothered with it since Legion. M+ alone is a slog I cna barely force myself to put up with. That’s not even mentioning the fact that literally everyone I raided with from vanilla - Panda has been gone since late WoD. What’s expected just to get into normal raiding over the last couple expansions makes it not worth the effort anymore IMO. Maybe I’m just cranky in my old age, but I simply don’t have the patience for it.

Me neither. Plus the rewards aren’t worth the effort.

Probably a symptom of Cypher gear being too good TBH.

I am in a similar situation, a group of friends. We’ve managed to do the first 6 bosses, started on Anduin tonight. It felt pointless. 1 healer, 3 dps and a tank downstairs is just unrealistic. A few people showed up, tried 2 heals + 4 dps +1 tank per group. Still couldn’t do it. We have 2 people total with 2 piece tier so far. These people get gear from raiding, so clearly raiding isn’t good enough for gear to do raid.

We’re trying the first boss on heroic instead. At least it feels doable.

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Leave it to Ion to begrudgingly bring back a feature people complained that they wanted and then give a huge middle finger on the way out the door in terms of acquisition. He can’t ever be wrong about anything. And when he has to do something the players want he makes sure to make it as tedious as possible so he can turn around and say “see we did what you want and you don’t like it”.

He’s like the guy at the T-shirt printing place that when you ask him to print something he doesn’t agree with he deliberately stretches and offsets it and then gets pissed when you complain about the work.

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We went into this tier doing 15% less overall damage because domination sockets were disabled. Mythic is designed around having 4pc. Tier should have been pretty much craftable at the second week of mythic at the absolute latest.

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It’s not that great for alts. Quit lashing out and avoiding the facts

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Not to mention how stingy drops are.

I would say tuned instead of designed, but is it that big of a deal if you don’t do mythic week 1 it’s available? Also, what does mythic tuning have to do with a thread about normal mode?

Fact: cypher gear goes to 252 ilvl.
Fact: normal drops 252-259 ilvl.
Fact: it is noticeably harder to clear normal than to grind cyphers.
Logical deduction: these rewards are not tuned well with respect to each other.
whether we are talking about alts or mains is irrelevant here.

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