Who is normal raiding for anymore?

Have you been paying attention to the wfr? Some of the bosses were straight up not killable and they had 4pc on all 20 people. Why does the difficulty even matter its a key feature of the patch and everyone should get access to full tier through the catalyst not 2 months from now and then another 2 months for charges for the rest of the set.

Also you don’t even raid so go away with your terrible post.


Try harder Clouseau.

Someone was told to git gud to the point you got scared and hide behind an alt?

Either way don’t sit here and tell people how they should feel about the content when you barely play the game as is.


Nah, just never changed my forum toon after I re-rolled off warlock. I’ll look forward to history repeating itself when my guild gets CE a month before yours does like last tier.

Literally all talk until you prove otherwise. You are irrelevant here.


It’s there for you to find it. Go ahead and try. I’ll give you a helping hand and update the achievements on this one, since you seem to need it.

Some of you haven’t been here long and it shows. Back in the day you had to farm the dungeons to get gear to even think about stepping into raiding. Than you could only beat a few bosses if that before you had to go back to dungeons to get better gear.

Than they made heroic, so you had to farm dungeons, than some normal raids, than back to dungeons while doing a few normal bosses and eventually you could move onto the first couple of heroic bosses so you can beat normal and get stronger to beat heroic.

Than mythic was the same, you would do a combination of all difficulties to get the best gear you could so you can be strong enough to slowly progress. It’s no different now, if you cannot beat normal bosses than you go to M+ and get gear, get valor, get vault items, you can even PVP, you can yes do LFR and get tier pieces from LFR if you must.

You don’t just bash your head against a wall for 3 weeks gaining nothing out of it and hoping RNG all works your way and the right players in the group get hit by the right mechanics so they can carry the group.

If you need gear there are other ways to get it outside of only raid progress and yes, it may take weeks or months before you get enough gear, but at 8 weeks we can turn our own gear into tier gear as a failsafe and that will help, that is a guaranteed upgrade once you have 2 pieces and even with just 2 pieces you can get 20-30% or more DPS increase.

Problem around here is that people think you must progress in raid within a certain time or your group is a failure, fact is that is not true. Look at Fatescribe, many groups just never done it, a lot done it once and never went back even if your BiS trinket came from there, it was just not worth the effort because some people could just never do the mechanics no matter what addons or weak auras you tried to use, no matter how well you tried to co-ordinate, some groups just gave up on that boss, some groups dropped certain troublesome players in order to clear it and that is OK.

And if you have to do the same here than so be it, take a smaller group to certain trouble bosses until those player are strong enough to carry the rest of your group. And if that means dropping to 10 man on the first boss so the best 10 mechanical players can beat it to allow the rest of the group to come for another boss, what can you do? Sometimes you just have to look outside of your normal composition and gear progression in order to beat certain content.

Keep in mind that every successful MMO has a playerbase that is 80% casual. If Ion has decided to reduce the player population down to that 20% of hardcore competitive players, the game will be way less profitable.

So normal raiding is no longer a social experience among friends, but only for “casuals” who are tired of being casual and are looking to be like you? Say byebye to your future raiders. You guys are just going to be poaching from other guilds to replace the players they poached from you.


But Ion has clearly stated this is not the case. Only the most hardcore are what we want, the rest can GTFO.


I don’t think he stated that, but I would infer it from his actions.

Anduin on normal is way too rough, requires perfection on everyone’s part. I hate it.

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What? Where did I say anything like that?

How did you arrive here? If you ask a current raider when they decided that raiding was for them, it was probably that moment when they 1st triumphed over that one boss that had been giving them trouble.

How did you even get this?

If normal raiding is no longer about casual friends and family raiding together for fun, but instead is the sort of “progression” experience you are demanding of people who are not interested in what you want them to do, then you’ve given the edict for people to bounce their friends and get new “friends” that will be more useful to them.

After the normal raiding guilds have stopped raiding, because they don’t want to do many pulls in addition to the chores and token expenditures you have planned for them, you’re not going to have them as a starting point for future raiders.

Ain’t nobody going to “triumph” over a boss that takes 8 weeks to kill in normal. Again, they don’t care about your expectations. And your expectations don’t involve them having fun, just wiping a lot indefinitely.


It should be a progression experience in the sense that it’s not a you just roll up, sneeze on it, and it dies. You should have to put in some amount of effort to find out what the boss does, and to play your character in a way that does enough output while doing basic mechanics most of the time. End bosses should be a bit more demanding, and Anduin seems to have been designed as an end boss.

And nobody is going to feel a sense of triumph if they show up to a boss, start DPSing, dies to a mechanic, and it still dies on the 1st pull


Plus y’know, we’re going to get INSANELY powerful this tier with next week being a big spike since everyone gets their double legendary.

This isn’t going to be a short tier, so I don’t really have much sympathy for people who give up this quickly in the tier.


That is what people already do, new players that are good at the game start raiding/pushing m+ a couple of months after starting the game, someone that is stuck on normal raids for years will never move to mythic raids.

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You both are right. Yes it should be a progressive experience for your casual guild, they shouldn’t go in and just one shot everything day one.

But there’s a limit your friends and family guild will do before giving up in frustration.

I’d go more in depth but I should be asleep lol. Will type more later if the discussion is still going

i norm raid to get he raid story done. first week i smashed upto anduin with 2-3 different pug groups. have yet to get past him tho, lol

n raids are also a steeping stone in gear for people. allows then ot gear up to get into h or/and higher keys

People that struggle on normal will get a huge boost next week with the second legendary, plus getting tier pieces from raid drops, vault or soon crafting. In less than 2 week, normal is going to be back to being faceroll for most players.