Last week my guild struggled with Anduin, could not even get to phase 2 regularly, this week we got down to like 5% on our first try and failed because we didn’t plan on even getting that far and never discussed the mechanics. The nerfs were a little too much, but certainly welcome by many.
I think you are missing something here, these forums, they account for like 5% of the WoW population and have many try hard Blizzard suck ups who don’t realise just how bad some players are. Like OK sure YOU can do an M20 in S3 with one eye closed in S2 gear, but that does not make it easy. I ran an M7 the other day with a 250 iLVL BM hunter, dude was doing less than 3K DPS overall.
There are many many many lost cases in this game and no matter how much gear you throw at them, no matter how much you try and help them, they are just not good.
I’ve played even with people in my guild who you spend a fair amount of time with to try and help get better, you spend weeks and months reminding them of this and that, give them links to websites to read, videos to watch, addons to use that will help.
Than all of a sudden they show up to raid missing enchants, using the wrong talents, have no tomes to change, no food, equipping the wrong gear and last second before a boss pull after we have planned our fight and what everyone’s roles are they go “Oh sorry I don’t have DBM” and than we go back to the drawing board.
I had a paladin in EP go “But I like these talents” and than proceed with stand in the wrong spot because “I like standing here” and end up pulling less than half as much DPS as the next paladin and dare to ask why they are not doing good damage.
I even went into an M+ yesterday doing streets and pugged a balance druid, dude sat in melee the ENTIRE time right up my bum while I was tanking, got hit by everything. halfway through asked “Where is my DPS”, the healer retorted that we were also wondering where their DPS was. As a balance druid they had the nerve to say they needed to stand in melee because they have spells that need melee…
I say it time and time again, some people here just have NO IDEA just how bad some players can be.