Who is normal raiding for anymore?

Surprised they haven’t made normal a looking for raid mode, and just made current lfr a story telling scenario. like the player groups with npc’s. Could drop cosmetic stuff for mogs in a lfr version. Still have heroic, and mythic for the hardcore progression raiders. To many raid modes currently imo.

The moment they make raiding fun and rewarding for casual players, I’ll raid. They’ve yet to do so.

Just farm cyphers I guess to get 250 gear and wait until next expansion.


You can. Take a full 25man guild group in there and wreck the place.

Ah yeah I figured it’d be pretty obvious that I meant groups under 25.


Normal feels pretty easy up to Anduin, where your “super-casual” type may struggle mechanically.

Either way, naturally occurring nerfs next week via double legendary and more opportunities at tier bonus’ via vault and lfr.

I’d guess that the “beer league” normal raiders are going to have lower rates of double legendaries and vault options.


The midcore heroic raid guild I’m in finally downed Anduin today post nerf after banging our heads against the encounter for an accumulation of at least 5 hours.

In terms of difficulty and coordination pre-double legendary pre-tier I’d say normal Anduin is a little harder than heroic Fatescribe for people of appropriate or slightly above appropriate gear levels for him.

While it will get easier as we get Legos and gear, I feel like if a slightly below average AotC guild finds it challenging, it might be a guild/raidbreaker for the most casual beer league guilds.


The entire core design of the game now is wrong. This team is so far away from the original vision it’s not even funny


My AOTC/casual mythic guild finally got it last night after about 55 wipes over 3 raid nights, which is just a few wipes shy of what it took for us to get heroic Sylv. The coordination required is completely stupid for a normal mode mid-raid boss, he feels more like a late heroic boss ala Fatescribe or Sylv.


Indeed. When Flex was released back in SoO I was so happy. Finally a mode just for us!

And for whatever reason in 9.2 they just said, “Yeah, we don’t do that anymore.”

I’m totally floored. I just don’t get it.


They claimed in WOD that Flex was the same as Normal (when they renamed Normal to Heroic and Heroic to Mythic). It has never been true, as Flex was easier than Normal became. Flex SOO was more like LFR but a little tougher.


I completely feel you!

Normal shouldn’t have one-shot mechanics in any encounter except for, maybe, the last boss. And yet, SoFo is ripe with them.

Is this how normal mode will be from now on?


Sadly I think this is how normal mode has been for a few years now.


I think it’s tuned pretty hard, yup. I’m in a casual Mythic raid group and even we’ve been struggling with bosses like Xy’mox and dedicated a whole evening just for Anduin. That’s ridiculous. In previous raid tiers we’ve rushed through Normal for fun in the first 1-2 IDs except for end bosses and it was no big deal.
This tier however mechanics are extremely unforgiving and deadly, even in Normal and that should not be the case. Normal should be tuned a lot easier. It’s a difficulty for beginners in organized raiding and not so skilled players who want to raid properly.

I don’t mind not blasting through Normal, don’t get me wrong, because I know we’re clearing HC and a few Mythic bosses anyway soon - but Normal is not for us. It’s for players who don’t have that much skill, DPS and stuff and just want to be able to clear the content in a casual, “friends and family”-environment with maybe one raid night per week. At this point I don’t see weaker raid groups clearing this tier.


As an addition to my previous post:

I miss the raiders in the Community Council. Where are they? Most of the Sepulcher feedback in the CC forums is just from an LFR view and mostly positive. Where are all the Normal, Heroic and Mythic raiders?


This is not what beer league considers fun; you’ll straight up lose members this way.

Beer league doesn’t run logs or character sim.


OP, Blizzard needs the average raider slow down so that they have something to do for the next year. This is why they over-tune and only focus on fixing the tuning on Mythic until after that race is over.

While I do think the raid is slightly over-tunes, the bigger issue with casual groups are the mechanics, not the dps checks. Many casual raiders struggle with mechanics, making it a frustrating experience. I think in this raid the problem is a little compounded because the floor is a light color and blizzard chose a light color for showing where not to stand. What made sense to them doesn’t necessarily work for people who need to see the bad stuff in order to get out of it.

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What sucks about this is that most casuals will have given up and moved on.

There’s only so many times you can wipe on a boss before it sours the fun-loving atmosphere of a casual raid night.

Before long, fewer people will log in until it’s no longer feasible to even have a raid night.

This has happened more than once, in my experience.


I agree with you 100%. It does not help that they also slow raids down by putting in so much trash that it either takes you forever to get to the boss, or people learn to just use the die/rez method of skipping trash.

I like challenging bosses and it is a good feeling to struggle only to overcome and win in the end. However, if it is tuned in such a manner that people can’t get to that overcome part, then it is a failure of a raid. To be honest, I much prefer FFXIV’s method of allowing unlimited rezzes and eliminating all unnecessary trash so that people can just have fun enjoying the instance.


Honestly, it feels like the difficulty problem goes hand in hand with the addon problem. Solve the addon problem, and you can tone down the number of mechanics on lower difficulties like normal and make it much more PuG friendly.