I’m going to add this here (though I usually do not comment twice in a feed, but I wanted to convey the feedback from my friend, who is, by all accounts a high-end competitive raider, regularly gets AoTC and just adores raiding - sitting on multiple AotC teams.
some things to consider, as much as i agree the raid is suppose to be tuned for a 235 it isnt, in no means is it at all, the kill order you have for this week is the one i highly recomend, however one thing for sure is run mythics i know its not a job and its suppose to be for fun, but gear is going to be important atleast till bliz gets off their arses and tune it properly, most of nephs and my raid team are in the 245-250 ilevels we are all hitting hard and keep hitting brick walls, alot of movement this raid alot of cordination for sure, but the bonus tier sets drop from running mythics in your vault, so the more you do the more chances at tier pieces, tier will help hit harder for most classes. and the pieces that arent tier being a higher ilevel will also help.
This is regarding NORMAL difficulty, the difficulty intended for casual, friends and family raiders.
This raid is not the easiest so we are all working hard on out mains… I have to catch up to get ready for double Legos. I also have to run Taz through 8 mythic to better its chance for tier pieces… we keep hitting brick walls so it’s work on our mains and thur is our teams mythic night…
It’s scarry to think by how hard our raid team is hitting now and we still hit brick walls and it’s only reg… not even heroic yet
So to be clear, my friend’s heroic/AOTC guild is hitting a brick wall on NORMAL SotfO. This raid is wildly overtuned, like by orders of magnitude inappropriate for the intended skill and power.
I need to be clear, normal raids should not require tier until the very end of the raid. We should not be forced to side-upgrade to normal gear ilvls outside of raiding - that’s a hardcore effort to cheese heroic mechanics. We should be able to, with SoD gear, do SotFO bosses without having to farm M+.
I am pretty sure Blizzard could do a general 15% nerf across the board and all that would do is make Normal difficulty the difficulty it should have been in the first place.
If Blizzard’s intent is to fire the casual players in WoW, this is the way to go. But if Blizzard wants to retain the casual raider base (and not shed more subscriptions to the far more casual raider friendly FFXIV) then they had better get off their duffs and take a really hard look at the tuning imbalance for Normal.