Who is normal raiding for anymore?

I’d be very interested in seeing some data on the subject, though I don’t know if it’s even around.

i.e., percentage of guilds that cleared normal for each raid in each expansion

If they even have it I doubt they would show it

It was, though. Ten-man heroic fights in Cataclysm were particularly strenuous (esp. fights like Nefarian’s End with fewer interrupts, or Hagara with fewer bodies to block beams).


Yeah but that would be the equivalent of mythic. Norma wasn’t that bad although I thought early BWD was a little over tuned at the start

Character capabilities have increased since Cata and accordingly so have the dungeon and raid mechanics.

Every DPS has some sort of kick now and so more mechanics need kicks, people have more personal defensives so there is more general damage coming out to make people use them.

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Did Normal Nefarian’s End not have interrupts? I don’t even remember.

Yes yes it did. Only two adds on 10 man that I recall but all three on 25.

One shot mechanics are fine in normal. But why are there like 8 of them per boss ? That’s the rediculous thing.

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That’s part of the “overly complex” difficulty. Every boss doesn’t need oneshot mechanics, and a bunch of running around, and a dozen flashing effects going on the screen. It gets to the point where it’s almost seizure inducing with how much flashing crap is there.

It’s not even GOOD complexity in most cases it’s “let’s throw more things to track, that’ll fix it”

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There arent 8 of them per boss

Vigilant guardian has 2 instant death mechanics and 3 high damage ones.

Skolex has 0 instant death mechanics

Dasausage has 1 instant death and a high damage cone

Xymox has 1 instsnt death and 1 the fight is over guys mechanic (which doesnt actually kill anyone right off).

Pantheon has 1 raid wipe mechanic on a dps check in phase 1 and 1 debuff which can kill some players if they ignore it.

Halondrus has 1 raid wipe mechanic if the orbs reach him nothing else is lethal.

Livihium has 0 instant death mechanics but all of them do high damage if you fail them

Anduin has technically 2 instant death mechanics in Blasphemy and Hopelessness however you can survive either of them with 40% or more DR

Lords might have a raid wipe attached to amongus mechanic.

While I’m hearing that double legendaries and tier four piece will nerf the raid, if even normal feels like one of the more challenging heroic bosses last raid I don’t expect to get AotC this tier unless I pay a local mythic raid guild for it.

Yeah and how many times do they get cast throughout the fight? Not just once…

So more advanced than Muruduru?

Survival Hunter 4pc Tier? +50% DPS
BM Hunter 4pc Tier? 0.4% DPS.

Failing the Amogus mini-game stuns you for 3 seconds and puts a raid-wide dot on everyone.

It’s basically a wipe, cause the fight is characterized by extremely high raid damage and another dot ontop of the like 5 other sources of raid damage is probably gunna be the straw that breaks the camels back in any cases but extremely overgeared healers in Normal, or LFR in general.

I mean, most of them are based on your DPS so more DPS = less chance of getting additional mechanics.

But most of those only happen like 2-3 times a fight in normal? If you’ve got high dps its less.

There is still a number of DPS checks, skolex has a soft enrage for instance. Vigilant guardian too, xy’mox only gets more intense the longer you drag it on for. And thats just the first 3. So to even get to the mechanic bosses you gotta pass those checks.

So, those are DPS races and not DPS checks. A DPS race is a simple “kill it before it kills you”. vs a real DPS check which is do x damage in y time or wipe. You can spend as long as your healers can keep you alive in the 15-0 burn on vigilant. Rhygalon is a DPS check. kill it before 4th massive bang, or die.

DPS race and check is the same thing. Eitherway if you dont have the damage you aint gonna make it. your healers only have so much mana and the fight is designed to drain it. Soft enrages are exactly that… SOFT enrages designed so that you can push it for a moment or two but thats it. What about the acolyte on Xy? you dont get em down before they transform, its a wipe SURE some super human hacker could potential keep you up but its unlikely

This, for sure.

I get so confused how folks can’t see that, that there are so many different playerbases to think about now… instead they’d rather pretend they are the vast majority while also being victimized by other players that exist just to spite them in their minds. Players on all sides of the fence do this, not pointing any fingers at any demo.

If someone prefers the game a certain way voice your opinion but don’t villainize people who find their fun doing the opposite or pretend they only exist to “troll”, like another human would invest that much leisure time into making a stranger upset.

People just like different stuff and fun will always be subjective.

The Acolyte starts casting hyperlight ascension (10 sec cast) after 40 seconds or so, and had just under 500k HP on 12 player. My math puts it as you need to do just about 10k DPS TOTAL to each add for the full duration. If a 12 players can’t manage 20k raid DPS on 2 targets for 50 seconds, you’ve got bigger problems.