Who is normal raiding for anymore?

In addition to not playing SOM, I quit TBC after it was announced, as it became clear to me the approach from this point forward would be to turn classic content into a race-for-world-first-mentality content treadmill, and that they had no real regard for the potential damage of splitting communities and developmental focus. Sad because I enjoyed my TBC raid group but I’m not going on that ride.

I’d imagine that’s probably not what they intended.

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Why blizzard hasnt nerfed normal yet?

I just dont see the downside to it, the CE and rwf players only do normal until they have tier so it won’t effect them at all. If anything I’d love to smash out normal clear in less than an hour so we can actually prog.

Semi hardcore guilds will progress into heroic easier and hit a wall when they do instead of being stuck on normal.

Family/friend guilds could actually progress through the content and keep them engaged and maybe even start doing a couple of heroic bosses.

While they’re at it buff the drop rate in normal as well so everyone is happy.

Normal tier will never be bis so why are they making it so hard to acquire for the general population?

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You are aware there is an entire subsection of the community for which normal is progression content so nerfing it would force them into quitting or doing heroic (which they dont want to do).

Just because for you normal is a loot pinata on your way to something else does not mean that is the case for everyone.

You know within that subsection there are guilds stuck on the first boss for 3 weeks right? Should we just tell them to gitgud?

Guilds clear normal plenty of times in a tier, the people progging it now included.

If they dont want to do heroic they can reclear normal. Its already getting nerfed next week with double legos as pointed out by capslock.

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Thats the point though we are all getting more gear still with second legendaries coming in (a decent dps increase for most classes).

Why would we nerf the content further? There is still so much preraid options for people who are stuck on the first boss, soon the only way to die on boss 1 will be the big aoe pulses (which people will need to learn to avoid just like they did teragrue and shriekwing).

Then you need to play heroic or mythic. Normal is meant to get people out of LFR and into coordinated raiding with guild groups. Period, finis, nothing else. It is supposed to be learning mode for group comps.

The people “ruining the game” are the ones who want every little thing to be on the very edge of ability. This includes the designers of said content who clearly lack an understanding of their audience. It doesn’t help when they get attaboys from members of the player base like yourself who apparently don’t understand the concept, either.

LFR should be story mode. For that matter, it probably needs a single-person, play-with-bots option for people who just want to see the storyline commence. Normal should get nerfed into the ground from its current level and used to develop future raiding talent. Then move those groups up into Heroic as their abilities develop, and finally into Mythic if they want to be ultra-competitive.

Also, I’ve been raiding since Cata and there are Heroic-tier fights in SL that were far harder than (Mythic, but what was called Heroic when it was still Flex-Normal-Heroic) fights in MoP and WoD. There is nothing raid-related in this game that is getting any easier, with the possible exception of LFR – and that absolutely needed to happen and needs to get easier still.


Amen. The people really ruining the game are the ones constantly whining how things are too easy and need to be harder, not the other way around. I would bet if things were easy overall and there was no mythic or these overtuned fights at all, yes people would leave but a lot less than what we see and will continue to see with the reverse.

This game has lost its way with the focus on esport garbage and thinking that they need to keep evolving fights to get people interested. The sort of people they want to get interested all the time that have ruined this game over the years in the first place.

Exactly. They basically listen to people saying they wanted classic and TBC but since they don’t actually know why people like that they’re going down the same destructive path which led us to the dumpster fire known as retail in the first place. With all the hindsight in the world to know it’s bad and know that it ruined the game they’re still stupid enough to do it again


Who exactly is “whining” about that? All I see fitting that description are people saying “leveling should be harder and take longer” but nobody takes them seriously because the simple answer is “take off some of your gear while leveling - done”.

That is your opinion I am quite happy with how the raid is going.

I guess overall its going to come down to a numbers thing are more people enjoying the raid as is than not as to what Blizzard does.

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Well yes and that’s part of the problem with these types of discussions. Someone says that they find it too hard and a bunch of people jump in to say well I like it and then it’s sort of spirals from there where nobody really can agree so the devs are being told two separate things and have to randomly guess which one they want to listen to.

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But thats the point there are a bunch of people who like it and another bunch who don’t same as everything else in the world. No one but Blizzard really has the full numbers like how many people are bricked at boss one?


My gut tells me it’s the other way around. One of the reasons WoW survives despite looking like it belongs in mid 2000’s are all the risks they’ve taken. Increasing the difficulty being one of them.

I’d argue their core demographic is all the cutthroat elitists. And probably because they’re the ones playing the most. You then have players who never touch raiding at all and are content to just play the game at whatever pace.

In the end, Blizzard is making decisions based on their financial gain. If there’s anyone you want to be angry with it’s the player base.


I don’t think for a minute that the hardcore player base is the majority at all. This game is always billed for casual people compared to EverQuest at the time. If anything the idea they have to keep evolving to make it harder is part of the reason for its decline


I didn’t say that. I said that they’re the demographic Blizzard focuses on. They’re the ones funding WoW the hardest.

Why else would Blizzard appeal to them the most? And work the hardest to keep them around through time-gated grinds?

Only in terms of leveling, and mainly because you didn’t lose XP or levels when you died and didn’t need a group to level.

For end-game content, WoW has always been a multi-player raiding/pvp/dungeons game.

Because the game director is the GM of Elitist Jerks.

What about every single game director before him?

Back when the game was far less single-player-friendly.


Yeah. My CE guild wiped three times on Anduin and I was surprised they made Normal mode this hard.

Normal has always been a one shot for most ce guilds

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Well I mean the only logical explanation here is you’re not as good as you think you are and should get good right?


The difficulty only really skyrocketed since he took over. It wasn’t nearly this bad in pandaria or even warlords.