Player skill aside, the mechanic exists.
The other thing I’d like people to consider is how do you develop/train tanks and healers for raiding? Some people are naturals at it, but most people have to be taught. And then there’s a difference between, say, healing 5-mans (where the entry party fits on the F1-F5 keys and target swapping is lightning-quick) and raid comps where you either have to become a frame clicker, or write mouseover macros, or use an add-on, etc.
Tank swap mechanics? Can’t learn how to do them without being in the raid. There is no analogy anywhere else in the game.
The Proving Grounds, while a good idea at the time, had value to pure DPS and hybrid classes but the tanking PGs were almost useless.
There’s also the reality that the player base is aging and it sort of goes against logic to make things unendingly harder and faster for people as they grow older and slower.
Again, I’m not arguing for easier Mythic raiding. Let the people who truly ARE “elite” – not just think they are – have all the difficulty they can swallow. But if we’re going to think about the big picture here, you need developmental levels.
Golf, bowling, tennis, etc. – all sports played by people well into adulthood and even seniorhood – all have handicap systems in place to help equalize ability so they can compete not only across the entire arc of their lives, but even against people of unlike talent. Someone at Blizzard needs to start thinking beyond just a few feet in front of their own nose.
Over a hundred posts and plenty of words for “Anduin is too hard, please nerf”.
Which, ok. A Normal boss shouldn’t be H Painsmith hard.
However, Blizzard just nerfed Anduin by a lot. So.
while low that dps is fine, sounds like they need to do the mechanics. Unless your hitting enrage timers, dps is never the reason bosses dont die, its mechanics. Like for example, first boss people not getting into the shields during exposed core or not moving bombs out or not standing in things.
I cleared about half of heroic (would today be mythic) ToT when it was current. A lot of the fights were tight and tough but not a single one even comes close to the ridiculousness of mythic fights these days. Normal Anduin is probably harder than heroic Jinrokh and Council ffs.
mmm to train a tank, you partner them with an experienced tank and you point them to tanking guides, class discords, tutorial videos about their class and cooldowns and they should watch pov videos of the fights (plenty out there)
Same with healers.
Theres also nothing wrong with backtracking thru non current content, where gear doesnt matter as much, and testing out new players/learning strats etc. But thats what good raid leaders will take charge of. Some of the initative has to be on the people to make at least the basic effort to a) learn their class and b) learn the role they want to play.
dps should be splitting and hard ST the acolytes not padding for numbers. Mechanics matter
normal Anduin isnt hard, it just requires mechanics to be followed.
Raiding has always been for the clique of homeboys inside Blizzard. It was never meant for players. Just incidental that any would play it at all.
It’s basically content they troll people with as a form of forced window shopping, where they can look, but never truly touch.
They’re extremely out of touch and double down on trying to put what they like on a pedestal, even if the functions to form adequate groups to clear said content pretty much are abandonware in said game.
Normal isn’t tuned anywhere near that tightly.
I mean it’s not like you can hit anything else in that phase since Xymox himself takes massively less damage.
Nah it really is. Limit out here putting 400 pulls into N Holongo because that fight is literally the same as Mythic.
yeah I know but people aoe pad and if you dont focus them down you can miss the timers and it will insta wipe the raid
This statement applies to literally every single boss ever. Meaningless.
Back when the LFR-Normal-Heroic-Mythic modes were introduced, Blizzard explained them this way: LFR was supposed to be “tourist” mode, to allow people who normally do not raid to see how the expansion story unfolds and participate in it slightly.
Normal mode was designed to be the “friends and family” mode, for groups that varied and largely consisted of casual players who generally did not participate in progression raiding. Often the group composition was just whoever happened to be logged in at the time and wanted to do some fun group activity.
Heroic mode was designed to be what the old normal 10-man mode had been (except it had a flexible size) — basically the introduction to progression-level play, rewarding more consistent groups, generally players who might be described as “semi-casual”.
Mythic was designed to be what the old 25-man raid level had been, definitely for progression teams of a certain composition. It was designed to be done by a cohesive team that could execute group mechanics.
But yeah, agree with OP that normal mode raiding has indeed morphed into something very far gone from the original “friends and family” design.
Thanks. We’re going to give it another try this week with double legendaries and see if that helps. But I have strong doubts.
So is complaining simple mechanics make a boss overtuned. TOT were fights you could do with your eyes closed, they were not mechanic heavy.
have everyone take a look at the 3 min videos either HazelNutty games or Kelani puts out. Super simple, to the point fight guides that show you what mechanics look like and what to do with them. Most of these fights you can’t just muscle through with more gear. The group still need to do mechanics.
What in the world does this even mean? Gibberish
You commented that Anduin is overtuned. Its not. You also made a comparison to how you managed to heroic raid through TOT. Those were easy mode fights. So if thats the pinnacle of your raiding experience then the amount of mechanics that Anduin has may seem overwhelming to you, but if you break it down into the phases, its actually not that difficult. Its all about target add priority and moving.
It objectively is overtuned. Do you think they spend 3 weeks repeatedly nerfing an encounter on a whim, or because a majority of groups are failing to pass it?